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Beta Alanine

Your explanation was it SHAKES, i repeat SHAKES, lactic acid out of the muscles. No it helps increase carnosine to buffer hydrogen ions which are split from lactate a by product of anaerobic energy production. This in turn increases your lactate threshold as your muscles ph level has not gone as acidic which decreases the ability for the muscle fibres to contract. The lactate is then retaken back into the mitochondria to form pyruvate to produce aerobic metabolism after your exercise intensity has significantly decreased. It is also transported in the blood to the heart and liver which both can use it, one for energy production the other for glycogen production. It does not go to your stomach and does not make you want to throw up, another statement you made. The hyrdogen ions are slowly buffered in the blood stream and your cardiopulmonary system does the rest.

That is why what you said is crap and if you don't understand it properly do not go spreading around information about it.

Next time cut and paste the whole textbook mate
Actually mate it comes from my head as that is what I have a degree in. I would not go into such detail explaining it that way to most people but after your terrible explanation I thought I should add some more detail so people don't go home with crappy unreliable information.
Does this stuff **** with your guts?

I have had bad stomach since i started on it, i cant narrow it down because tkaing a few things..
I'm with you Tesch! If these guys are dissing Jacked they haven't tried it before. I stack it with soy protein, coffee and cortisol injections.
Just wondering if, once carsonine levels are saturated, like creatine, can you just take beta alanine once a day when ever or is it better to take around training times?
For all,

I have just finished a tub of Jack3d, i found it to be quite good, built up tolerance to 3 scoops per workout, only small scoops so hardly and fillers, pump is good, tingles etc. In the next few weeks i will have the Beta Alanine and Arginine on there own so will use these for a few months.

I found jacked to be pretty useless personally, nowhere near as powerful as all the hype surrounding it. Tbh most pre workouts are shit useless. I prefer to make my own with: strong coffee, bulk aakg, beta alanine and kre alk. Tends to do the job well for much cheaper and no ass explosion like alot of proprietary blends