Do you research anything?.............j/kWow im taking 6 gms during and 6grams randomly on days off...
too much?
All good Rev.Excellent, thanks for the heads up, bit weird the tingling, but it's all good.
Extract.Have a read here mate
Do you research anything?.............j/k
All good Rev.
Research has shown that you can take an amount between 3.2 grams and 6.4 grams per day to significantly boost carnosine levels and improve performance. The most recent research, now using 4-5 grams a day, is showing comparable carnosine concentration and performance improvements to those using 6.4 g daily. Based off the current research, we suggest 4 grams of beta-alanine a day, with an “optional” 2 week loading phase of 6 grams a day during the first month of use.
Beta Alanine is great for shaking the latic acid out of your muscles and stopping it from entering your stomach and giving you that "I want to bail on this workout feeling". Taking straight beta alanine is good but I normally prefer to find a pre-workout formula based on beta alanine so you can get the extra kick.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Y-RD Complex:
153.33mg **
Caffeine, Theophylline (from Guarana), 1,3-Dimethylamylamine, Dibenzo(a,c) cycloocten-6-ol, 5,6,7,8-tetrahydro- 1,2,3,10,11,12 hexamethoxy-6,7-dimethyl-, stereolsomer (Schizandrol A)
ATP-Carnosine-Vaso Complex:
3,166.67mg **
Creatine Monohydrate, Beta Alanine, Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate (AAKG)
Beta Alanine is great for shaking the latic acid out of your muscles and stopping it from entering your stomach and giving you that "I want to bail on this workout feeling".
Yeh well... beta alanine does buffer against lactic acid biuld up.... and yes im a little hyped on jacked at the moment - seems you have never tried it before.
Yeh well... beta alanine does buffer against lactic acid biuld up.... and yes im a little hyped on jacked at the moment - seems you have never tried it before.