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[Article] When a final knockout is needed for stubborn fat...

Hi Fadi, I have poor sleep at the best of times, so I don't take any tea or coffee after 6pm. Your green tea, coffee, aspirin combo will be the last of the day.

Yes I'm happy our misunderstanding is sorted, and you are using the icons. All is good:)

Just remember calcium inteferes with Zinc absorption, so if having your Zinc supplement with food make sure there is no dairy.
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I was also told by a naturopath that zinc is best consumed at night. Something to do with how it is absorbed.

Minerals in general are best taken before bed time Bree. However since calcium interferes with zinc absorption, I'd take zinc at other times on a full stomach.

Also please note that it's a good idea to take 2 parts magnesium to 1 part calcium. What I've just written goes against 99% of all that you read in books on the subject or hear nutritionist talk about. However just very recently, a major American supplement company has gotten the same knowledge that I've known and been practicing for a long time and decided to produce a product with magnesium and calcium in a ratio of 2:1. Now that you are reintroducing dairy back into you life Bree, I'd suggest you purchase Dr. Sandra Cabot's magnesium complete. I found it to be the best magnesium complex available here in Australia. At least it has no oxide carrier in it (rust)

It helps you absorb the calcium and prevents kidney stones (from insolubale and unabsorbed calcium).

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Hi guys/girls,

Fadi thanks for that informative and thorough article.

So correct me if I'm wrong but this is what I understood.

Take Zinc, DIM and Asprin <-(Optional) to make sure our exquisite
'natural' pharmacy (body) operates at the optimal level!

However, don't take dairy? Or was that don't take dairy while
taking Zinc tablets? Cut dairy out all together perhaps?:confused:

P.S. You guys (& girls of course) rock.
Calcium can slow down the absorption of zinc, so now dairy with your zinc supplementation.
Other times dairy is fine.
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Calcium can slow down the absorption of zinc, so now dairy with your zinc supplementation.
Other times dairy is fine.


Please repeat that. ("Dairsy with your zinc"....) I don't understand what you are trying to say here mate:confused:.

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However, don't take dairy? Or was that don't take dairy while
taking Zinc tablets? Cut dairy out all together perhaps?:confused:

P.S. You guys (& girls of course) rock.

Thank you Davante (I think your name rocks)!

Minerals in general are best taken before bed time Bree. However since calcium interferes with zinc absorption, I'd take zinc at other times on a full stomach.

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Hey Fadi,

Where do you normally buy DIM and/or White Willow from?

I went to the chemist looking for some white willow today but there was none to be found!
I DID find that chemist warehouse now stocks Celltech, BSN and Gaspari items...but no white willow.
If it's not easy to come by I'll just go the aspirin way...

Also, is DIM intended to be a short term or long term thing?
From what I've read today (not a great deal and I'm no expert!) it looks like it would be a beneficial long term supp but that confuses me because I have never heard of it and it doesn't seem like any/many places in aus sell it.

Thanks in advance
Hey Fadi,

Where do you normally buy DIM and/or White Willow from?

I went to the chemist looking for some white willow today but there was none to be found!
I DID find that chemist warehouse now stocks Celltech, BSN and Gaspari items...but no white willow.
If it's not easy to come by I'll just go the aspirin way...

Also, is DIM intended to be a short term or long term thing?
From what I've read today (not a great deal and I'm no expert!) it looks like it would be a beneficial long term supp but that confuses me because I have never heard of it and it doesn't seem like any/many places in aus sell it.

Thanks in advance

Stralian, DIM is getting to be the next best thing since sliced bread. It's a long term supplement just like vegetables are a long term (and one of the most important) foods.

I've written plenty on the benefits of DIM. Here's some:

DIM is found in the crucifier vegetables such as broccoli and cauliflower etc. I wouldn't recommend one eat these raw (or juiced) unless they are prepared to take kelp. These veggies can have a negative effect on your thyroid, (which is one of the master controller of your metabolism), due to the amount of goitrogens they have in them. But then again, peaches, pears and strawberries have goitrogens as well.

Goitrogen is a substance in some foods that prevents the thyroid gland from working correctly by blocking the uptake of iodine. I forgot to mention one other foods/drink I'd only advice someone I really hate to take in; that is the abominable soy. So here you are training hard from one end of the spectrum and "watching" what you're eating, only to be undermined by a substance that is working against you from the other end of the spectrum.

I've digressed I'm sorry. This fat loss topic is vast indeed and there's plenty of little things like the ones I've mentioned above that can hinder your progress. Milk to some could also be the #1 enemy not so much because of the huge amount of estrogen found in it, but because the liver (of that particular person) can not process it properly (the estrogen that is). I'll stop here before I start writing another article...

PS: this was in the original post Stralian: http://www.iherb.com/DIM-Plus-Estrogen-Metabolism-Formula-120-Capsules/4117?at=0

Learn about DIM: http://www.raysahelian.com/diindolylmethane-dim.html


Here's more: http://www.iherb.com/DIM

White willow: http://www.iherb.com/White-Willow-Standardized-60-Capsules/2058?at=0 it seems to be only in tea form in Australia.

More DIM (this time from Australia): http://www.mrsupplement.com.au/australia/anti-estrogen_dim.htm

I'd rather buy from the US and save some money. It's always a good idea to buy more than one item at the same time since shipping cost a bit. Do not use DHL as your carrier but UPS instead. My experience has been to pay the Australian customs when using DHL...was not impressed to say the least!

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Thanks Fadi, you've answered my questions and more!

I've just clicked on your signature hoping to find something about you...and found EVERYTHING about you instead. We are most definitely on the same page my friend; I really mean that. We can do with more people like you here, so please do bring your friends over. Thank you.

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Peoples thoughts on the how bad the effects of plastic bottles are? Are we talking a major effect or a small minor amount that can be negated by other means? I've found a few articles, but its hard to determine whether they biased towards producers.
Peoples thoughts on the how bad the effects of plastic bottles are? Are we talking a major effect or a small minor amount that can be negated by other means? I've found a few articles, but its hard to determine whether they biased towards producers.

OK, just few tips re plastic. And since every little bit adds up; what is little and insignificant now will multiply and become a monster later on, (possibly few years later on)!

Before you concern yourself about plastic bottles, look at milk and all that comes from it apart from whey powder. Then soy products. As for plastic, don't buy milk in plastic containers when you can buy the cartons, (if you still decide to drink it that is). When buying water bottles, insure the bottles are the "hard" plastic type. Also make sure the bottles have not been sitting in the sun (service stations etc), and if the water taste plastic don't drink it.

I mentioned milk as the #1 culprit here since about 80% of our estrogen consumption comes by way of it. Don't take my word for anything I'm saying here but do your own research as I've done mine.




Casein: a milk protein with diverse biologic consequences.

Department of Pediatrics, Louisiana State University Medical Center, New Orleans 70112.

The consequences of bovine milk consumption are diverse, some of which are potentially deleterious. Although certain cultures shun cow's milk or milk-based products, Western societies consume large quantities of cow's milk. Although there are stronger similarities between bovine whey proteins and human whey proteins, the quantity and nature of casein in cow's milk differ markedly from human milk. We propose that the consequences of diets based on bovine casein should be more closely evaluated and certainly expanded beyond the simplistic approach of growth. What is good for the goose may be good for the gander, but what is good for the cow could be harmful to the human. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2236098

One last tip: don't heat your food in plastic when using microwave ovens. I don't heat, cook, or go near microwave ovens period !

Sorry for the doom and gloom, but please prove me wrong by providing some evidence that our government give a .... about our health. After all, they still allow the sales of alcohol and cigarettes yet tell us how bad they are and of course; to be responsible. Why not some other drugs? Why choose for us what we can and can not be responsible with? Maybe tax has something to do with it; who knows? I'm just learning!

I've digressed big time.

All the best.

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Yeah plastic bottles can be abit dodgy. I work for a major drink manufacturer here and one of the products bottled is water. I am their truck driver and have to pick up the plastic bottles from the manufacturer about a week before they will be used so they can cure, otherwise chemicals can leech into the final product. Still a bit sketchy if you ask me. The smaller preform bottles that most companies use are different again, they are like a small version of the big product, heated and blown into shape on the line, then filled, so who knows what chemicals will come through.
Thats it, I just purchased a couple of stainless steel drink bottles to replace my plastic sports bottle!

I have noticed a plastic taste if water is left sitting in them for too long. Also if I used them for a flavoured drink the flavour tends to hang around in the bottle and I can taste it for a long time afterwards. I never buy bottled drinks(just beer in glass) but I do use my sports drink bottle a lot!