I was also told by a naturopath that zinc is best consumed at night. Something to do with how it is absorbed.
Calcium can slow down the absorption of zinc, so now dairy with your zinc supplementation.
Other times dairy is fine.
Typo mate, should be "Dairy".Shrek,
Please repeat that. ("Dairsy with your zinc"....) I don't understand what you are trying to say here mate.
However, don't take dairy? Or was that don't take dairy while
taking Zinc tablets? Cut dairy out all together perhaps?
P.S. You guys (& girls of course) rock.
Minerals in general are best taken before bed time Bree. However since calcium interferes with zinc absorption, I'd take zinc at other times on a full stomach.
Hey Fadi,
Where do you normally buy DIM and/or White Willow from?
I went to the chemist looking for some white willow today but there was none to be found!
I DID find that chemist warehouse now stocks Celltech, BSN and Gaspari items...but no white willow.
If it's not easy to come by I'll just go the aspirin way...
Also, is DIM intended to be a short term or long term thing?
From what I've read today (not a great deal and I'm no expert!) it looks like it would be a beneficial long term supp but that confuses me because I have never heard of it and it doesn't seem like any/many places in aus sell it.
Thanks in advance
Thanks Fadi, you've answered my questions and more!
Peoples thoughts on the how bad the effects of plastic bottles are? Are we talking a major effect or a small minor amount that can be negated by other means? I've found a few articles, but its hard to determine whether they biased towards producers.