yes, just responding to Gerry's claim of superstardom given he does deadlifts and thinks he is special. Nevertheless, i am not much of fan of deadlifts, especially the way I end up doing them.
I'm surprised Gerry likes deadlifts. Remember at the start of the deadlift you have to bend over almost like you are mimicking going to take it up the arse. Now Gerry can't have that.
Squatting looks like you are squatting down on a dick and benching looks like you are lying down to cop a BJ off your boyfriend and putting your arms up in joy. Gerry how can you compete in such a sport.
I like doing straight leg dead lifts.
My home gym has a proper chin up machine to assist, should be good to train on.
Hows your pull ups coming along gerry?
im keen for a monetary bet.
wow u have opened my eyes Baz.i never considered this at all.
ps stfu
How can you compete in a sport that mimics homosexual acts.
I'm sure you are, however i wouldn't feel comfortable knowing a gay guy was giving me money under dubious circumstances
How can you compete in a sport that mimics homosexual acts.