The apoplectic quiverings of the hashtag activists and social engineers is why I hope Trump wins the Presidency.
Such as Gun control???![]()
He'll stand up to the NRA though..... won't he????
The NRA are all for sensible gun control. Republicans support the Bill of Rights in its entirety, not select parts of it. The best part will be when he rocks up at the White House and tells Obama "YOU'RE FIRED"
No I mean the actual social issues, like the rampant poverty,
That may have been the case 30 years ago El Floppy, now they're all as bad as each otherFuck me Bozo. Add Politics to the ever increasing list of things you know nothing about.
Trump is a Republican ie. Right Wing Politician. Republicans (Right Wing Politicians) don't give fuck about the poor and disadvantaged. They are all about freedom of market forces which leads to rampant poverty. They are funded by Big Business. The Rich getting richer and the working class can kiss their arse etc etc.
Democrats are the ones who seek to fix social issues, not Republicans!
Donald Trump is interested in fixing America's social issues<- heres a Saturday morning chuckle for you @Repacked;
That may have been the case 30 years ago El Floppy, now they're all as bad as each other
But let me ask you, how do you think poverty is fixed?
That may have been the case 30 years ago El Floppy, now they're all as bad as each other
But let me ask you, how do you think poverty is fixed?