[h=3]Key Points:[/h]
Read more at: http://www.strengtheory.com/steroids-for-strength-sports/#ixzz3kd9kV2Qy
- [h=4]Many people think steroids make a massive difference in terms of competitiveness in strength sports. They are wrong.[/h]
- [h=4]Other people (somehow) think that steroids don’t make much of a difference. They are also wrong.[/h]
- [h=4]Steroids DO help people gain muscle mass and absolute strength at a much faster rate, but the increase in muscle mass generally means you’re forced to move into a heavier weight class where you need to lift more in order to be equally competitive.[/h]
- [h=4]When looking at world records, experimental evidence, and cross-sectional studies, the resulting picture shows that steroids increase your competitiveness in strength sports by about 10%.[/h]
Read more at: http://www.strengtheory.com/steroids-for-strength-sports/#ixzz3kd9kV2Qy