I had two good friends, who helped me out heaps in my life, who died of AIDS in early 1990s; and yes they were gay.
Say what you like, but don't expect me to take you seriously.
you are an absolute fuckwit, tough guy.
Do you wear gloves when you train and not practice statistics?
did your gay friends donate blood anywhere?
have you had a blood transfusion recently?
Get bullied at school did you?
Well ill I moved between schools nine times as a kid and some of the poofery I was exposed to as a kid gives me different view of life, sunshine. Get some callouses on your hands. You don't want them on your soul.
seriously von, what has being gay got to do with the politics of the world.
There are many gays who are conservatives who are also opposed to do-gooders on many issues.
We are talking about basic rights for gays; why link them to the ills of the world, or your narrow version of all that is supposedly wrong with the world.
von, you should ring lifeline. I am worried about you. You seem very angry.
Its only gay if you push back.You should ring a gay friend and take it up the arse.