I've never seen my brain before and neither has anyone else, so there's no proof that it exists.
There is however empirical evidence that it exists. There's no empirical evidence of a god. Most (when I say most I mean Christians as thats what was pushed onto me as a child) are just going by the 'you have to believe'. Well I believed in Santa Claus too and got presents. When I outed my parents I no longer did. So there's that.
Seperate to that. One question I have is, why do different religions have a different recollection of events, eg Jews, Christians, Catholics, Jehovah Witnesses, Muslims all have a slightly different story. Which one is right? That in itself invalidates all of them because it makes it seem like old wives tales
I don't (and have never believed in the) 'you have to believe' type of mentality wingman. That to me is blind faith. I am all for the falsification method if you like. And I'm sorry that Christianity was pushed onto you as a child with your questions (obviously) not been answered, at least to your satisfaction.
Now as for the empirical evidence, I have no problem with that brother. However for me, I'd like to examine everything at my disposal, and by everything I mean: the natural and supernatural, the empirical and philosophical, the physical and metaphysical.
As for the different religions going into different directions, you have an amazingly valid point and a point that was very close to my heart at one stage in my life when I was an agnostic. All I can say to you here, is that it’s up to you to find out which religion (or Deen as the case may be in Islam) is right for you. If none satisfy your intellectual faculties, then choose (or remain) on whatever it is that does brother. I can’t really say much more than that.
Edit (added): re the invalidation due to differences, leading to a conclusion of "old wives tales ". Please consider what I have mentioned before re today's scientists going beyond the Big Bang expanding universe theory please. As I have said, not many scientists are happy with a finite type of universe because it suggests a point of beginning. So Along came alternative models to that theory, however they have all been falling by the way side as failing when put under tests. Now you wouldn't abandon science based on that would you wingman? I would hope not, because I would expect you (if you were interested), to examine what has been tested and the reason behind the failings. Just because new theories pop up, does not automatically render science or the scientific method as wrong or unreliable etc. I'm saying that because a theist can use that as a counter argument to your different religions stand. I am not, as I believe in both science and logic as two complimentary methods of one another.
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