Saw a kunce who was taller than me, had long hair and a hat on, was broader than me too. Pretty well developed arms, shoulders and chest.
My little fingers were thicker than his legs though.
Tried to get a pic but he was walking out when i walked in.
Ive answered with "dont know yet" a few times down home. Always get a strange look. One guy once said "how can you not know". I just replied with "depends how i feel mate". [emoji14]
Seen a guy like that the other day, massive massive upper body covered in tatts but had the skinniest legs. Had the shorts that come down past his knees.
I've noticed the guys who don't train legs wear long pants regardless of the weather. If they do manage to flash some skin it looks like they're a paraplegic who've just began to walk.
Keep seeing this dude, always doing the big 3, can't help thinking he's on here but never asked.
he's got the belt, the PL shoes, the knee wraps, always in the power cage, but looks shit, he's got no calves, no arms, narrow back.
Most likely he's not training for size but I can't help thinking the for the time and effort he puts in, that he could walk away looking a lot better than he does.
Just me, I guess, horses for courses.
Apart from always doing the big 3, I fit the rest of the profile
But on a more serious note, perhaps he's "developing his strength base" or just training for strength or comps...Who knows