Hey [MENTION=16903]Genics[/MENTION]; how are your nuts since going clean. Have they recovered properly? Any long term side effects from using?
im on trt
probably for life i reckon, or till i dont care
Do you have a medical condition?im on trt
yeh called the wrecked my natural test from using gear condition
yeh called the wrecked my natural test from using gear condition
How much gear you taking?what a copout.
i won't be on full time trt till i stop making gains. recover just fine every time even without pct, and older than you.
you must be doing it wrong...
How much gear you taking?
What's your typical cycle look like?
haven't done one for a while.
what i would do, if i were to, is 3-4 weeks max
use test prob because its in and out quicker, better results and better recovery (no orals).
its usually 150mg pw and increase to 250 or 300mg by the last week.
recovery takes 2-3 weeks.
all gains, don't really lose anything but water weight. except when i get lazy and don't train. thats my fault not the gear or my body.
you don't need 10+ weeks on to make gains, thats a god damn myth! its atleast 1kg a week without changing diet, even restricting calories its impossible NOT to grow.
you don't need deca and blah and blah. test is your friend. end of story. yes trt dose is my "cycle". and it works! its like magic. i won't take that full time because i can feel negatives on my body, and after 3-4 weeks of injections im fucking over it!
edit: my dream is to atleast do 1 bb show, compete. and thats why i chose to do a few cycles. but doing the 12hr night shifts ive been doing it wrecks cortisol and nearly impossible to do my job right, and get super lean... so im researching, eating as good as i can, and waiting till i work 9-5 like a normal person before taking it that next step.
could i do what pro's do? i think i do have a pleasing physique so yeah, i'd love to actually do that.
do you go off for the same length of time you're on, or is this just the occasional thing?
I assume no HCG for that short period.
mate, my goal is to do 2 stints, do 3 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 3 weeks on. 6 weeks off. but i can't put it together so its more 3 weeks on, 2 weeks off, 3 weeks on, 6 months off.
and how many years between cycles? who knows. but ive only had a hand full of cycles in many many years so really its fuck all.
in the early days (8yrs ago) i did the 10 week bs, even did a much longer one and yeah, the body felt like shit for months, then i decided not to listen to the bs online and what others are doing, and decided a trial an error system of my own. turns out smaller cycles are what work best for me, all round.
and i feel better, so im sure its better for me. ive had bloods, all a-ok.
when i did long cycles as a beginner, my liver got fucked and i got sick non-stop.
I rarely ever get sick now, and still do stupid shifts which im sure lower my immune system.
no hcg, no nolva, no clomid, no ai, no nothing. just a solid clean diet and small direct amounts of test.
Good way to go if you don't want massive gains overnight like every other kunce. Got to be easier on the body
its usually 150mg pw (50mg 3x a week) and increase to 250 or 300mg by the last week.
So instead of going off cold turkey after 300mg/week, you would rely more on the accumulative effect of the previous weeks, and taper down (giving your body a signal to kick in with its natural test much sooner and without much of a lag).
Hi C_T,
Have you done (or ever contemplated) doing the cycle in a descending manner instead of the ascending way that you presented above? You know your body and the way it responds best, that goes without saying. So simply curious if you have actually given the descending way a proper go?
Now I don't drink alcohol, but logically speaking, my liver would be in a much stronger position to detoxify in the beginning of a drinking session than at the end of it. Would you agree? Similarly, your steroid receptors in the initial stage, would likewise be in a much more receptive state than later on in the cycle. In addition, your recovery / testosterone rebound would also be more favourable on a descending cycle. So instead of going off cold turkey after 300mg/week, you would rely more on the accumulative effect of the previous weeks, and taper down (giving your body a signal to kick in with its natural test much sooner and without much of a lag).
As I've already written above, you're the master of your own body, so take my words for what they are: a reflection. Thanks.