To what degree does pct help mood?
Clomid will make you feel like you're PMSing. HCG is a must in my opinion... and moreso during the cycle than at the end. It saved me from a massive crash after 5 mths TRT
Clomid is said to be superior in stimulating FSH as compared with Nolva. Apparently Nolva has been linked with a certain type of cancer as well.
I went on TRT because (1) I was told by my doctor that I was at the lower end of the spectrum in terms of my hormone profile ; and (2) I thought it would assist /aid in fixing some issues I was having with my lower back and building back up some lost muscle in that area.
I came off because after 4-5 mths I started to feel like crap and it made no sense. The numbers on my bloods were great. But, as one doctor said, the numbers don't always tell the full story. In my case, there was a strong chance the excess test was being converted to estrogen and I was feeling like a bitch.
if its not hard, show me how huge you are? but, most regimes are eod. so times those injections by 3.
oh, you want to peptide? thats 3x a day, not a week. so how many injections are at yet? i don't dare count...
but thats not "hard"
meanwhile, you can't even put 2 good meals together!!!! WHAT!
Do you snort meth and then post?
I am closing in on 100kg, but thanks for the advice. EOD isn't so bad, again, if you are worried about pinning or scared or worried about anything to do with needles don't bother getting on gear.
Peptides, whats the fucking point, every peptide i've ever tested has either been fake or extremely underdosed. Atleast if your test is underdosed it's $120 for 10mL and you can just up the dosage.
What regime, using test only is eod unless you want to run test suspension/Acetate, most will run test e with twice a week injections. I'm not talking about anabolics or peptides, fuck me.