Good to see people putting up constructive information from reputable objective sources. It's called propaganda people.
If you would rather believe what an unknown source tells you about an issue of such importance - go ahead, it is one of the rights afforded to you by our great country. For those of you who have interacted with Muslim people and been wronged, so be it. People for opinions on their experiences. But for those who think you haven't - before you indulge in ignorance simply because it's easier than the alternative, consider this: You HAVE had first hand interaction with a Muslim. A senior member of this Forum, who is by all appearances one of the most supportive, non-judgemental people on here. [MENTION=2727]Fadi[/MENTION];.
So are you going to blindly believe what an unknown 3rd party with an agenda puts in front of your face; or make a decision based on tangible evidence from your own experiences?
The sad part is that he has read this thread, and after some input in earlier pages, I suspect now chooses not to have any input because he:
a) After initial attempts to put forth his perspective feels that people are not willing to even consider alternatives - in which case your are of a similar mind set as the extremists you hate so much, or
b) Is simply saddened by the reactionary attitudes prevailing in this thread.
I find it amusing that people are getting banned for behaving badly, yet the discriminatory and racist comments made in this thread are allowed to continue unchecked - when we have Muslim members in this very forum no less!!
I urge you to have a read of and consider the following page, noting who the Author is.
Misssion Statement - Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding
FFS you know something's wrong when I'm the voice of reason.