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trying to baffle us with bullshit?
Not really. Only sharing the thoughts of a calm mind and the benefits gained from whatever limited life experience I have bothered to remember.
trying to baffle us with bullshit?
The reason you don't see Muslims condemning this action is because it's so horrific it must be breaking their hearts.
With the simplistic approach to life that most people in this privileged country Australia follow, Muslims here are probably afraid to say anything - for fear that the great unwashed will only associate Islam with brutality and not even hear their pleas.
When we associate the actions of savages, who cannot call themselves Muslims,
Collectively, when we fail to reconcile these actions and embrace the common thread that binds all people on earth, factions are created and it becomes self perpetuating. A population of non-Muslims gathers strength to the point of posing an existential threat to all people in the Muslim world, with no dialogue at all. Or the other way around.
When faced with such a threat, no matter how unreasonable and naïve the motives driving it, people do tend to react. I would die for my beliefs in the same way a Muslim would sacrifice their life…….
….if it was the only solution to survival.
Therein lies the tragedy. We distill the conflict down to the differences in faith systems and stop meeting each other on higher plane of reason and reconciliation.
I hope Fadi does not read this thread and feel as heartbroken as I do about the deterioration in circumstances we are now witnessing.
I'll be equally hated by Muslims and non-Muslims who don't seek peace in the same way that any other voice of reason would be targeted with the usual imbecilic dose of vitriol. How can the human race survive?
As Arnie said in Terminator 2 "It's in your nature to destroy yourselves".
Rant alert.
What a load of absolute shit. This is the most disgusting, obsequious load of steaming horse crap that I have heard since the residents of Dachau denied that they knew what was going on.
So, the people who have the most power to stop this are too scared to stand up. Well, fuck me. Sorry if I come across a bit too strong, but this is the exact point I was trying to make.
This is not christian against muslim or jew against arab. This is a world wide philosophical group, or religion, that claims to be united in love and dedication to the teachings of one man who either don't have the balls to stand up to a bunch of thugs in their midst and, at the very least, condemn them in full vigorous declarations, or they condone what's going on. Maybe that's the silence we are hearing. That the majority of muslims, including yourself, think that what ISIL is doing is the right thing. Maybe a bit extreme but, well, there intentions are good.
For anyone to say that they won't stand up for basic human rights because they are scared that everyone will think they are associated with the violence, is the complete and opposite of reality. I for one would applaud any muslim who stood up loud and proud to declare this barbarianism for what it is. You are saying that we are so stupid we would confuse a bold declaration of condemnation of ISIL with a bold declaration of support. You are, in reality, blaming all of the non muslim world and use that as an excuse to sit on your hands.
But they do. They claim to be pure muslims leading the way for all you other bench sitters.
Dafuq did I just read. Please, use some vaseline. That sounds like our beloved immigration minister, Scott Morrison, avoiding a question on sinking asylum boats.
The sad truth is that if you were born in India you would have the same passionate belief in their gods, or if you were born in Spain or Italy you would be willing to die for the Madonna, or if you were born in Utah you would be riding a bicycle declaring your absolute faith that your beliefs are true.
But it's not. You wish it were to excuse your actions, or as in this case, lack of actions. This is all part of the propaganda and foments and promotes war. You start out believing that you are the only ones who are doing Allah's will and then get all whiney that everyone else, who thinks EXACTLY THE SAME, won't pat you on the head.
No. The tragedy is that you belong to a religion that allows this to happen without rising up against it. Thereby, you align yourselves with them.
I think my oestrogen levels are too high.
More self serving, blame everyone else, act like a 5 year old child reasoning. If you are hated for doing good, at least you could hold your head up. Right now your head is somewhere else.
As a wise man once said, "just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions."
I think I need a Bex and a good lie down.
Sides have formed, both gathering masses, that's what's scary, how does it end?
Indonesian Muslims Denounce ISIS Ideology
Rant alert.
What a load of absolute shit. This is the most disgusting, obsequious load of steaming horse crap that I have heard since the residents of Dachau denied that they knew what was going on.
So, the people who have the most power to stop this are too scared to stand up. Well, fuck me. Sorry if I come across a bit too strong, but this is the exact point I was trying to make.
This is not christian against muslim or jew against arab. This is a world wide philosophical group, or religion, that claims to be united in love and dedication to the teachings of one man who either don't have the balls to stand up to a bunch of thugs in their midst and, at the very least, condemn them in full vigorous declarations, or they condone what's going on. Maybe that's the silence we are hearing. That the majority of muslims, including yourself, think that what ISIL is doing is the right thing. Maybe a bit extreme but, well, there intentions are good.
For anyone to say that they won't stand up for basic human rights because they are scared that everyone will think they are associated with the violence, is the complete and opposite of reality. I for one would applaud any muslim who stood up loud and proud to declare this barbarianism for what it is. You are saying that we are so stupid we would confuse a bold declaration of condemnation of ISIL with a bold declaration of support. You are, in reality, blaming all of the non muslim world and use that as an excuse to sit on your hands.
But they do. They claim to be pure muslims leading the way for all you other bench sitters.
Dafuq did I just read. Please, use some vaseline. That sounds like our beloved immigration minister, Scott Morrison, avoiding a question on sinking asylum boats.
The sad truth is that if you were born in India you would have the same passionate belief in their gods, or if you were born in Spain or Italy you would be willing to die for the Madonna, or if you were born in Utah you would be riding a bicycle declaring your absolute faith that your beliefs are true.
But it's not. You wish it were to excuse your actions, or as in this case, lack of actions. This is all part of the propaganda and foments and promotes war. You start out believing that you are the only ones who are doing Allah's will and then get all whiney that everyone else, who thinks EXACTLY THE SAME, won't pat you on the head.
No. The tragedy is that you belong to a religion that allows this to happen without rising up against it. Thereby, you align yourselves with them.
I think my oestrogen levels are too high.
More self serving, blame everyone else, act like a 5 year old child reasoning. If you are hated for doing good, at least you could hold your head up. Right now your head is somewhere else.
As a wise man once said, "just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions."
I think I need a Bex and a good lie down.
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Try not to get sucked in by all the alarmist hysterical journalism people.
Some other perspectives:
Indonesian Muslims Denounce ISIS Ideology | The Jakarta Globe
“We strongly condemn the violence and terror waged by ISIS; they go against Islamic teachings,” Teguh Santosa, deputy chairman of Indonesia’s second-largest Muslim organization, Muhammadiyah, said in a press statement on Saturday.
“We cannot stand silent as we witness this [movement]. It’s true that forming and joining a group is the right of every citizen, but we cannot tolerate violence. The government must take firm action [against ISIS’s influence].”
[FONT=open_sans]The Muslim Council of Britain once again condemned the actions of the so called "Islamic State in Syria and the Levant", ISIS. Today we express once again our rebuke of this reprehensible organisation.[/FONT][FONT=open_sans]
Read more: http://www.gloucestercitizen.co.uk/...tory-22789193-detail/story.html#ixzz3B1VAZB4v[/FONT][FONT=open_sans]
Read more at http://www.gloucestercitizen.co.uk/...2789193-detail/story.html#rizDoCFYDgpupjFW.99[/FONT]
Most Muslims don't care about the Isis Caliphate - Telegraph
They do not recognise this entity born from the ugliness of war, rape and pillage, populated by angry men with harsh views of a religion that does not chime with the Islam of the majority. The caliphates of old – those of the Abbasids or the Ottomans – were populated by advanced artists, scientists, inventors, and pious people, not violent Salafi-Jihadis on a rampage against Shia Muslims.
Saudi Arabia's top religious official has recently denounced the Islamic State terrorist organization, better known as ISIS. Following the words of other Muslim leaders, Saudi Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Sheikh issued a statement Tuesday that was released by the Saudi Press Agency. "Extremist and militant ideas and terrorism which spread decay on earth, destroying human civilization," said al-Sheikh, "are not in any way part of Islam, but are enemy number one of Islam, and Muslims are their first victims."The Saudi Grand Mufti's comments were the latest of several Muslim leaders both religious and secular, from Indonesia to Egypt, condemning the actions and views of ISIS.
...made a point about the Islamic State extremist group that tends to be overlooked: Much of its violence and anger is directed not at the West but at fellow Muslims who deviate from the path it espouses.
Al-Azhar graduates reject ISIS - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East
the former representative of the Egyptian Religious Endowments, Abdul Jalil Salem...“ISIS surely does not represent Muslims, not even a faction of them. It is just a terrorist organization. It is illogical that this group is the one calling for the caliphate. ISIS’s call on Muslims to immigrate to the proclaimed Islamic state is nonsense, as Muslims live in their own countries, practice their religious rituals and perform their duties and obligations. Why would they be requested to immigrate?” Salem said. He said ISIS was like other terrorist organizations and was bound to have the same fate.
Muslim and Christian groups condemn ISIS as anti-Islam | Latest News Analysis
Feroze Mithiborwala from the Muslim Intellectual Forum said he was ashamed and angry that ISIS used religion as a garb to violate human rights. "Majority of Muslims around the world are against ISIS and its shameful that the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia ordered for the demolition of churches in the Arab peninsula. The powers behind ISIS are adding fuel to fire and we need to reaffirm our solidarity with our Christian brothers and other minorities," he said.
....condemnation came from Iyad Ameen Madani, the Secretary General for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the group representing 57 countries, and 1.4 billion Muslims.
Lets look beyond our own front fence people.
That the majority of muslims, including yourself, think that what ISIL is doing is the right thing. Maybe a bit extreme but, well, there intentions are good.
You are, in reality, blaming all of the non muslim world and use that as an excuse to sit on your hands.
No. The tragedy is that you belong to a religion that allows this to happen without rising up against it.
More self serving, blame everyone else, act like a 5 year old child reasoning. If you are hated for doing good, at least you could hold your head up. Right now your head is somewhere else.
I think I need a Bex and a good lie down.
pretty sure its not..
Dude, you're out of control.
I'm a Catholic.
I reckon I've seen more of the world than you and your Vic Bitter stubby holder.
I have also seen some terrible shit that would make you wet your diaper.
You seem filled with hate.
Grow up
Assalamu alaikum brother Von,The peace seekers get caught in the crossfire; they have hate being fired at them from both sides.
you claim to be so wise, yet a wise person wouldnt just asume he has seen and experienced more than someone else. joker
Assalamu alaikum brother Von,
I've been sent to ask you to come back from where I see you heading. In fact, I see the road sign reading...NO THROUGH ROAD-DEAD END.
My friend, i will now follow your advice on this and try to end my commentary on what seems to be insoluble in this particular environment.
It just leaves me a little annoyed as i sit here in yet another international airport lounge as hatred with no basis and from limited experince is peddled on the forum.
I Apologise for any inconvenience I have caused you. You are welcome in my home.
Peace be upon you