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What's your diet like ?

varies daily. Always plenty of meat and veg. Hit macros, make taste good. Also, love my oats mixes.

Nothing off limits except I avoid artificial trans fats.

I occasionally do eating competitions.

Don't really like beer. Drink scotch or vodka mainly when I go hard. Red wine at dinner is nice too.
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When in Australia at home
Breakfast: a few crumpets, bananas and double sized protein shake
Lunch: A large double quarter pounder meal
Dinner: whatever is on the table when I get home
Before bed: protein drink, often with a family sized block of snack chocolate

Weekends lunch is a few kg of coleslaw and tuna

Sometimes I kill stuff and eat it too.
varies daily. Always plenty of meat and veg. Hit macros, make taste good. Also, love my oats mixes.

Nothing off limits except I avoid artificial trans fats.

I occasionally do eating competitions.

Don't really like beer. Drink scotch or vodka mainly when I go hard. Red wine at dinner is nice too.

What sort of eating comps? Not like the yanks eating 50 hotdogs in a certain time frame?
I had a few drinking comps back in the day...centurion was one of them...surprised I remember!
He's forever doing those 1+kg steak/burger/parmy challenges. I hate him for it, because he always succeeds but whenever I've attempted something similar I fail miserably :(
At home:

During the day at no given times
Burger patties, bacon, cheese kranskys, lamb chops or steak
Eggs, cheese
Salad, olives, avocado oil
Pre workouts
Bit of rice and tuna OR
shake with a banannanana
Post workout
Shake with protein and dextrose
Huge portions of rice or potato.(occassionally bread or pasta)
lots of meat and Green Vegies
Ice cream and several Pale Ales, Ginger beers, RUM, scotch


During the day at no given times
CHicken, usually thigh or wings..
Eggs, cheese
Salad, olives and olive oil
Loads of almonds, pistachio's
Tuna tins
Pre workouts
Bit of rice and tuna OR
shake with a banannanana OR
Post workout
Shake with protein and dextrose
Huge portions of rice or potato.(occassionally bread or pasta)
lots of meat + Greens
Ice cream and milk + pavlova, custard, cheesecake, brownies and choc mousse...(CAMP MESS)
Oats (i don't bother cooking them)
Protein shakes
Wanting to get back into kanga. So nice

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The elixir of life:

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I've gone off warm oats too, still eat bircher if I can be bothered making it up. Bit more substance to it
I think I've posted my current eating plan before, but here it is again. Currently I'm trying to bulk and consume 3000 calories on workout days and 2500 on rest days.

I never used to eat that clean, maybe 50-60% of good nutritious food. But on weekends I would catch up with friends and eat all the snacks and sweets they would, basically undoing all the good stuff I'd done during the week. About a year ago I got serous with nutrition, making a proper effort to saying no to snacks and being disciplined with not skipping meals and making sure I'm getting enough protein in each meal. And within that year I've made the most significant changes to my body.

I don't drink or smoke either, so that side of looking after your body luckily isn't an issue for me.


- 6 egg whites and 2 egg yolk omelette. 2 pieces of wholemeal toast. 80g cottage cheese.
170g of low fat yoghurt. 60g of oats. 100ml of low fat milk. 20g of raw peanut butter.

- 25g of protein. 10g of instant coffee.

LUNCH (1pm)
- 300g of tuna. 250g of brown rice.

- 40g of raw almonds.

- 4 rice cakes.

- 10g of creatine.

- 25g of protein.

DINNER (8pm)
- 1 kale shake (100g kale, 50g spinach, 25g celery, 25g Lebanese cucumber, 10g garlic, 10g ginger).

- 300g of chicken breast.
300g of topside beef.
200g of smoked salmon.

- 150g of sweet potato.
125g of brown rice.
150g of hokkien noodles.
3 pieces of wholemeal toast.

- 11g of Metamucil.

- 5g of flaxseed oil. 5g of psyllium husk.

- 25g of protein.


Day 1
- Breakfast: Toast & Omelette, Dinner: Beef & Brown Rice.
- No Workout (remove Afternoon, Pre Workout & Post Workout).

Day 2
- Breakfast: Oats & Yoghurt, Dinner: Chicken & Sweet Potato.
- No Workout (remove Afternoon, Pre Workout & Post Workout).
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