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Surely with your superior genes, you'd be prime sperm donor material? Throw an ad up on Gumtree lol
Lol.. I donate freely every other night (to the tea towel).. Stop short of administering the dose to any recipients as I don't want the Mrs. to castrate me :o
Lol.. I donate freely every other night (to the tea towel).. Stop short of administering the dose to any recipients as I don't want the Mrs. to castrate me :o
wtf are you using a tea towel for. What happens that one time someone wipes the dishes with the wrong tea towel. Use a tissue or a sock
I've never understood the sock.
Remind me to never do the dishes at your place Test-E, all your tea towels must be stiff as a board!
Waddaya mean? ... everyone knows not to use 'that' towel...

Woe-be-tide to the poor soul that forgets to follow the rules :rolleyes:

.. Although I'd imagine it would be hard to use anyways as it just wouldn't be pliable enough to get in and dry cups and chit... Be all stiff and chit.

Edit : @white_lie, [MENTION=16378]StrungOut[/MENTION]; nah your safe m8s. Just the one towel.

BB; why do woman in relationships still insist on using vibrators? hmmm? :rolleyes:
Uh-huh... I'm sure it is :rolleyes:

On a related topic. I may have already mentioned this somewhere else, but I was driving past sexy land the other day and there was a huge billboard up promoting their wares for mothers and 'wags' day...

Firstly, the last thing I'd ever buy my mums is a dildo or dvd of that nature.

Secondly, when did gf's get in on this?

Desperate marketing attempt me thinks.
I get my missus something for mother's day even though she's not my mother. It's more about appreciating the work she does as a mum. But if you got something from sexyland, it may serve as a present for you too :rolleyes:

On another note, can't tell if this thread will ever get back on topic or if it's turned in to "general shit talking v6.0"?
@kaz you don't wear clothes to the gym??! no wonder your husband does not have one of those towels ??

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