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Deficit deadlifts today
210kg and then fell over backwards locking out 220kg- but I'm claiming it anyway

Got me another 2 pbs tonight.
202.5kg deficit deadlift. 80mm deficit. Previous best effort was 200kg @ 50mm.
Ive got more in me. Two weeks ill go again. Then 170kg x 8 @ 80mm deficit. Previous rep pb was 167.5kg x 7 @ 50mm. This was after 187.5x5x3 from the floor.

Finally a PB to post!

105kg x 5 4cm deficit deadlifts!

I didn't fly through the sets, took it easy!

Hey guys and girls, Im new here and reading all the posts from this thread. Everyone's pb's are inspirational and make me want to be stronger :P

ANYWAY, so my recent pb's are:

@69kg bw

-squat 100kg ( lol hadnt squatted after a month and had doms while testing 1rm poor effort )
-bench press touch and go 110kg
-deadlift 140kg ( same deal as squats)
-strict standing ohp 70kg

I plan to retest these 1rms each month

Other pbs include:

-weighted pullups + 30kg x 3
-weighted dips + 50kg x 5 (couldve went higher in weight because was easy still but guess didnt have enough time)
Well done. Pretty bloody good lifts (especially your bench and press numbers) for someone under 70kg. Great work!

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 2
That's the advantage of being light I guess haha. You'll hit 200kg before me & that's more impressive than body weight multipliers.

I still think BW multipliers are impressive, hence why I was dumbstruck at Richard Hawthorne's effort on the weekend.
Just did 112.5kg x 5 (double bw) PB Deadlifts. 110kg was my ACT states opener in March and only ever doubled it once.
Felt heavy but video looked easy!
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Just did 112.5kg x 5 (double bw) PB Deadlifts. 110kg was my ACT states opener in March and only ever doubled it once.
Felt heavy but video looked easy!

Nice Kaz!
Deads always look easier on video than they feel I reckon haha.