Registered Rustler
Yes but it becomes very much your choice to seek out illicit drugs.
What is your point here?
Yes but it becomes very much your choice to seek out illicit drugs.
What is your point here?
What is your point here?
What's your best price per trip these days Oni?
Put me down for 2x ... This dreary weather is getting me down - time to escape reality for a bit
In a day and age when people sue people over falling over a stick, can you imagine the legal implications of things like psychosis if accepted and obtainable?
For an 'enlightened' guy you cant seem to think of the obvious.
Do I have a problem with steroid usage if done properly? No
Should it be legal? No...
Neither. Realist checking in.
Well, ive had valium and dexies once, not at the same time. Both were provided by workmates with prescriptions and taken during work time. The former did nothing. The latter made me get my job done. I dont consider these to count for anything.
This is a forum not a marketplace for drugs
Yes, just like all the people that sue Martini after tripping over the pavement and smashing their face into a lamp post.
Ban on naturally occuring substances should be lifted imo.. THC, DMT, Mushies.
You cannot use alcohol as a precedent to make your case.
Pretty much what they did in Holland and their world didnt implode. In fact most people living there don't partake in said substances. Though pommy tourists are quite partial to a weekend bender in the 'dam.
Deny a person access to something and they'll want it twice as bad - and find a way to get it.
Take a look at the countries that have the most favourable drug laws for users then look at total drug abuse. Portugal comes out on top. Sale is a felony but if you're caught with banned substances they are confiscated and you're required to go on a one hour lecture on safe drug use. Portugal has some of the lowest drug related crime and health related statistics in the world. They also have a great program where they give pharma opiates to addicts. This reduces harm loads as well as organised crime. And Australia wonders why it has such a bikie problem!
Portugal... Rape capital of the world... I guess you can't have it all
I thought we were talking about drugs?
Whats rape got to do, got to do with it? (sung in tina turner voice)
Your case is merely reification, the fallacy of misplaced concreteness- a fallacy of ambiguity. You're taking a hypothetical construct and treating it as if it were a real event. I'll continue this discussion if and when you come up with a logical hypothesis. Making native plants illegal because someone may extract them for recreational means and then go on to do harder drugs and then suing the garden centres for selling them these plants is completely ridiculous. I am actually ridiculing this hypothesis
They are illegal because they have potential for abuse, and pose 0 benefit to society. Do you honestly think that giving the mass population access to psychosis inducing drugs is going to be any way beneficial to society.
Your speaking like a drug user and or addict/abuser trying to justify their 'enlightenment' aka excuse to be shit faced.
Do you care about the ramifications that the above has?
In b4 pharmaceutical companies.
Also to the person who said natural drugs are safe and synthetic ones are the 'bad' ones, please go..
Im not replying to the alcohol argument anymore.
If you think having widespread access to psychosis inducing drugs is some how benefitial your simply fucking lost.
You can take your strawman and holier then though arguments and shove them.
You have 0 understanding of pharmacology and psychology. Your simply a kid who gets shot faced and now feels like they 'have seen' and experienced this higher level of awareness when your simply a drug addict justifying there actions.