Hang on fellas...
Wasn't the whole orange juice thing plus creatine shown to not be true...
The acid in OJ supposedly resulted in creatine being converted to creatinine.. This would be bad!
However once again bro science resulted in a mis application of real science..
Acid does do this to creatine... However takes over 6 hours leaving more then enough time for the body to absorb your creatine before things go bad...
More importantly your gastric juices are way more acidic then OJ...
So if OJ did neuter your creatine as the myth says... Your stomach would do the same thing anyway...
Meanwhile peeps world wide are using orange juice and it still works...
Wasn't the whole orange juice thing plus creatine shown to not be true...
The acid in OJ supposedly resulted in creatine being converted to creatinine.. This would be bad!
However once again bro science resulted in a mis application of real science..
Acid does do this to creatine... However takes over 6 hours leaving more then enough time for the body to absorb your creatine before things go bad...
More importantly your gastric juices are way more acidic then OJ...
So if OJ did neuter your creatine as the myth says... Your stomach would do the same thing anyway...
Meanwhile peeps world wide are using orange juice and it still works...