Bench Polkov
You're all still talking...
YOU started this!!! BAD monkey.It's a divergent but valid topic, I should have raised it somewhere else. Sorry, my bad etc. Moving it would not have been censorship.
You're all still talking...
YOU started this!!! BAD monkey.
stonelifter, can i digress and ask what your future powerlifting plans are?
Your view on that piece of legislation gives offense.
I totally agree. There are separate section for different topics. Whats the point if anyone can just go on about anything? But I feel like this conversation before. Hey lets discuss pokemons in the bodybuilding section.
You big ultra macho man wingnut
But pokemons are less gay than bodybuilding
It's not enough they have Aunty looking after them? It feels like they weren't elected. They seem foreign.Listening to the elected representatives in that place on any given day gives offense.
The coalition tried something similar when it was in power - gagging organizations who had views that were critical of the government. It was wrong back then too.
Plant type pokemons are pretty gay. But in a good way- by which I mean they are clean, witty and have good fashion sense.
You censor something and you get blasted for censorship, you leave stuff in to avoid over moderation and you still get blasted.
What I see here on Ausbb pales into comparison on what I've seen on over forums.
My mum is better than yours
I'm going to ask Dan Green how to get my delts that round
I don't think I've ever seen delts like that, not even on a Pro BBer. Flex Wheeler comes close and are obviously larger but not as good looking imo