Can't take it personally guys. I'm a bit disappointed I didn't even get a mention but if you're happy with the transformation you've made, you look better, feel better and the people in the real world notice and give you compliments that's what really matters. I know I do
5kg of LBM added = real life fkn win. 14kg fat loss and some muscle gain = real life fkn win.
Can't take it personally guys. I'm a bit disappointed I didn't even get a mention but if you're happy with the transformation you've made, you look better, feel better and the people in the real world notice and give you compliments that's what really matters. I know I do
5kg of LBM added = real life fkn win. 14kg fat loss and some muscle gain = real life fkn win.
Think this sums up 'bodybuilding' a little though, the 'best' guy doesnt always win where in PL if you lift more, you win theres no 'personal preference' thrown in. *flame suit on*
"I don't like this lifter, I don't want him/her to win. Oh, look at that, I'm not 100% sure they hit depth on that squat, so RED!!"Think this sums up 'bodybuilding' a little though, the 'best' guy doesnt always win where in PL if you lift more, you win theres no 'personal preference' thrown in. *flame suit on*
I agree mate, I was thinking that everyone had forgotten about the comp as there was no mention of it most the year.... until DecemberI think journals should've kept up to date like at least one post per week. A lot of people joined up then disappeared only reappearing at the end. Was a but hard to track progress and see how much effort people put in
umm no every couple of months i was asking for updatesI agree mate, I was thinking that everyone had forgotten about the comp as there was no mention of it most the year.... until December
If you get the time to train, it doesn't take much to update a log IMO.
Semillon is in my top 3 also.... Although my vote is biased cause I train at the same gym...
His 135kg squat was for 3 sets of 5.... And his bench one rm has not been tried for a while... While these lifts won't be breaking any records they are massive improvements from where he started... Although on the transformation front he did leave it to late to start dropping weight...
Well done to the winners any way... The real prize is the journey and the stellar results you achieved!!!!
Will there be a comp this year????
Dude it was a body transformation comp, not a powerlifting transformation comp to see whos lifts improved the most, wake up to yourself.
- Required stats - Key stats which should be documented before and after; Weight, BF% (if known), relevant measurements (I think waist would be a good measurement for everyone to include), and key lifts (squat, deadlift, bench)