Transform Your Body In 2012
Transform Your Body In 2012 With Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding!
2012 is the year for
YOU to transform your body. Make yourself feel stronger and bigger but not only that here is a great incentive to get you going with over $1,000 in
prizes to 3 winners for the most dramatic body transformation over the year of 2012! Transform yourself with the motivation and support of the Ausbb - Australian BodyBuilding community!
the way tregs see's it
now i just spent the last 40 minutes looking at pic's
3rd-canned tuna
1-pistachio yes he was already cut and looked good weighed in at 90kg now 95kg lmb so 5kg of lbm is a good effort. his whole frame looks bigger well formed you can see the effort he has put in
2 semillon a top effort here started at 85kg hit 92.5 and than dropped down to 83.5 to finish out the year a 9 kg loss . now his lifts
start finish
squat 85kg 135kg
deadlift 105kg 155kg
bench 60kg 72.5 would of liked to see this one a bit higher
none the less he has put a fair amount of effort in congrats on the amount of work mate keep it up this year
3 canned tuna now there was a toss up between a few here but you came out on top
it looks to me that you have put on more than 4kg goin from the 1st pic to the last pic's you have made some nice changes you started with nothing and have sculpted out a really good body to build on even the legs started out as match sticks and now are pencils well done mate eat big and brink those legs up you will do well this year