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My training partner and I call them the "syncronization sisters"

Looks like me an my workmate arent the only ones who give nicknames, hahhaha,

A couple of chicks who used to work near use we had nicknames for

Fair piece
Cold Hard piece
Perfect piece
Uber piece
Bubbly piece
Choofer piece
and the list went on, bwahahaha
Almost got a video of the guy that clean and jerks the bosu ball
i will not fail you again
Looks like me an my workmate arent the only ones who give nicknames, hahhaha,

A couple of chicks who used to work near use we had nicknames for

Fair piece
Cold Hard piece
Perfect piece
Uber piece
Bubbly piece
Choofer piece
and the list went on, bwahahaha


I got some names at my gym for people at the PCYC

The syncronization sisters
The brothers of destruction
The power couple
The unofficial member of One Direction
Callum-style (Callum gets called this when Gangam Style is on the radio)
Mrs Serious (always has a log book)
Frizz (A hot chick with frizzy bed hair)

I got some names at my gym for people at the PCYC

The syncronization sisters
The brothers of destruction
The power couple
The unofficial member of One Direction
Callum-style (Callum gets called this when Gangam Style is on the radio)
Mrs Serious (always has a log book)
Frizz (A hot chick with frizzy bed hair)

Hehe we have names for people at our gym too
Bash Brothers
White Matt & Yellow Matt

How long did it take him?
To get to that level? I have no idea. But his technique needs some work (it wasn't just a bit off on his heaviest attempt, every rep I saw after 100kg left a bit to be desired), so probably longer than it could have taken with better technique. He said himself that technique has held him back.

To get from the floor to lockout? A couple seconds, +/- a couple seconds.
All 3 of you are retards. I dont mean the rep off the floor, i mean from when he began training - eg 6 months?