Yep. No religion in schools. I went to a catholic school, what a fucking waste of time religion classes were and all the fucking boring time spent in church.
Religion in private schools yep no problem, state schooling no.
This isn't a muslim thing, rather a religious one. The problem here is that this minority will now cause a stir, Australians in general aren't very good at lateral thinking from what I've seen.
8/10 Facebook posts were "deport these muslim pricks!! don't let any of em back in!" etc. While I loathe the fact that these bananas are calling for beheadings, and I dislike all religions equally, it needs to be put into perspective.
These are a minority of idiotic extremists who unfortunately now have done themselves no favours, and their fellow Muslim brethren.
In the same vain as the Muslims calling for beheadings, there are other Muslims who are ashamed of this and apologizing on their behalf for their behaviour.
It's sad, and this will now only isolate minority groups even more.
Having said that, we live in a country where we have freedom of speech (I think? Sometimes ). If you don't like FOS, you can tip the fuark back to a country that oppresses it. If you're so into the prophet, why wouldn't you stay in his homeland?
Speaking of Homeland.. brilliant series
D1cko The same could be said for aboriginals said:minority[/B] give the rest of them a bad name.
lol Religion, as far as I'm aware, is not taught in public schools in Australia, they phased that shit out in the early 70's.
Private religious schools however teach it, but parents make the choice to enroll & pay for their children to go there.
Sophie's school is fantastic, as an inner city school they have loads of different cultures that go there & the school really makes a huge effort to celebrate the different traditions of a gammut of religions & cultures. Islam, Buddism, Christianity etc.
They have parents of the children go in & speak to them about Chinese New Year, Ramadan, Vietnamese Tet (xmas & new year) & Mid-Autum Vietnamese Festival.
The school shy's away from teaching 'religion' but is happy to ensure the children are aware of the special holidays that their classmates celebrate in their culture, I guess it all helps in facilitating acceptance & awareness of others.
They have a couple of kids from Nepal at the school & they're always celebrating some fantastic new moon festival lol
Religion, imo, should be taught by the family & parents, if you so choose. Not the schools.
There definitely needs to be more seperation between Church & State in this country. Political decisions should never be made, based on religious beliefs & yet we as a society, have come to accept that they often are.
Gay Marriage Equality
Just to name a few.
But thats fodder for another conversation lol
i dont remember christians and catholics killing people in the street after life of brian lolHe's Not The Messiah - YouTube
prohpet having sex, being shown as an idiot etc etc... but no muslim outcry?
they7re just being prophet-ist (discrimination between their onw prophets )
they certainly did protest tho...
and made the film an international hit!
much like the muslim extremists have made the youtube vid viewed by over 5 million people..
It is worrying that such a large majority of Muslims seem to not be able to ignore someone depicting 'the prophet' in a childish manner, and they just go utterly fucking nuts.
Very, very disturbing.
If it is a minority, something in that religion certainly plays on the feelings and passions of their young and less intellectually gifted, and encourages violence.