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Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
That looks fantastic, kitty Cat ... salmon, broccolini and pasta with lemon... YUM!
Went out and had a wagyu steak for the first time. Best steak I have ever had by a mile.
Good thing is I have a few wagyu steers. Hadn't deciding what to do with them yet but now its pretty likely they are going to end up in my freezer.
Salted caramel frogs
Hey Viv, school me on the salted caramel frogs...are they really salted? Chocolate? WTF?
Salted caramel ... yes, caramel with sea salt added, very very delish.
In a chocolate shell. Shaped like frogs.
ps I make salted caramel a lot. use it in ice cream and tarts etc. Really good.
Salted caramel brownies. To. Die. For.
Yeah cherry ripe. There's a choc bunny blended in there with choc coconut protein and plain cassein.
MMM it went in 3 mouthfuls LOL.