In today's society it is not 'The Law' to be in a monogamous relationship. It baffles me as to why allot of people would create a monogamous relationship if they actually didn't want to be in one. JUST WHY?

It's only cheating if your in a monogamous relationship, and I think allot of unnecessary heart break could be avoided if people stopped creating monogamous relationships and just decided that an open relationship would be more suited to them. Creating relationships based around the wants of both parties allows the people involved to be happy to have sex with whoever they want without being cheaters or hurting someones feelings.
I am personally a monogamous person, and chose another who is the same, however if I wasn't monogamous I would not start a monogamous relationship.
Can a 'NON' monogamous relationship work long term? Personally, I am yet to see it. But it seems it has not really been adopted by society as another way to have a relationship, so until it is more common how can one say if it will work long term or not.
Never ceases to amaze me how people always seam to do the things they apparently don't want to do. Even in their own personal sexual relationships, if you don't want to have sex with the same person for the rest of your life at least let that other person know from the start so a healthy relationship can ensue.
Cheating is never OK, it's delusional to think it is, but it's only cheating if you are a coward and not honest with the person you are with. If they are OK with open sexual relations, than it's not 'cheating' is it.