Sophie is 8 years old and recently at school (she is in Grade 3) she had to draw a picture of her family and present an oral discussion on what her family was like. She drew a picture of me, her father (who lives overseas, she see's him once every 2 or 3 years) her 3 Uncles, my mother (Her Nonna, who is deceased) my father (Her Poppy who she loves) and my cousin and his partner.
My daughters teacher said "But Sophie, these people are not your family, I'm talking about Mum and Dad and brothers or sisters"
Sophie was distraught and her answer was "But I don't live with a Mummy, a Daddy or brothers and sisters. I have no brothers and sisters. But I have three Uncles who I love. My Nonna and Poppy who I love and my Gay Uncles who I love too. They are my family"
Even our education system in 2012 goes right back to traditional nuclear status, when there is no traditional nuclear families anymore. We hetero people have littered the landscape with divorce, step parents, step siblings, half brothers/sisters etc etc etc.
And even still, my daughter was questioned as to what her family "looked like"? Not okay and I made sure I addressed the school directly on that matter.
Her Gay Uncles are her family. They see every school event, every cross country, every dance recital, they are here for me when I'm sick and make sure Sophie is distracted when I need the time to take care of myself. They take her to soccor practice and kiss her when she hurts herself.
They moved 2 minutes away from me, so they could be there more fully for her. Are they her family? You bet your arse they are. The most influential male figures in her life, along with my three very straight, alpha male brothers.
We will agree to disagree on the issue I have said my piece, I think it is purely an issue driven by finances.
Your story above is cute however if your daughter goes to a public school I doubt it is true. I am married to a public school teacher and know for a fact no teacher would make such a statement for fear of the fallout.
I call bullshit.
Anyway I am leaving this thread with the following thoughts. Why has gay marriage only become a hot political issue since we got a couple of openly gay politicans (Bob Brown & Penny Wong) interesting how no one really gave a shit before that.