1. All wills are easily contested and often are in traditional nuclear families. Happens all the time with children of first marriages & second spouses etc etc.
2. Hetero couples can't pull the plug on each other either euthanasia is illegal in Australia for everybody not just gays. If your incapacitated your medical decisions are made by Dr's not spouses.
3. Why should couples who are for the most part double income no kids be afforded the same tax consessions as traditional nuclear family units. They shouldn't they aren't burdened with children.
The gay rights lobby are doiung a great job of clouding the real issue with emotional bullshit. It is all about the tax concessions.
how many goes for the right socks this morning Brick?
is an emotional issue because it's a very human one.
I wasn't referring to euthanaisa, that's a WHOLE other debate in and of itself.
I'm more referring to incapacitation, when a judgement call on one's life is necessary, gay people are not afforded this right legally, with their partner.
And there are
plenty of double income, no kid heterosexuals in the world, who take full of advantage of joint tax returns and the concessions this allows them.
My eldest brother and his wife, are one couple that springs to mind immediately.
So why not the gay's?
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, mine, on this front, is a strong and passionate one. I have an Uncle who is a gay man and has been with his partner for 32 years. My Aunt died of ovarian cancer and made my Uncle guardian of her son, Michael, they have raised him from the age of 2 and he is the most well rounded, compassionate, handsome, educated, lovely young man, I have ever met. He is now 23 years old, has a girlfriend and is an engineer. He is also incredibly grateful for his two Dad's and the life he's been afforded and the views he has been gifted because of his circumstances.
Michael is an outstanding, brave and considered spirit. The gay men that raised him, have done an outstanding job.
My cousin is also a gay man, he is also my best friend and has been with his partner for 7 years. They babysit my daughter often, she cooks with them, they take her to dance lessons and are very active role models in her life and I, quite frankly, wouldn't have it any other way.
Sophie is 8 years old and recently at school (she is in Grade 3) she had to draw a picture of her family and present an oral discussion on what her family was like. She drew a picture of me, her father (who lives overseas, she see's him once every 2 or 3 years) her 3 Uncles, my mother (Her Nonna, who is deceased) my father (Her Poppy who she loves) and my cousin and his partner.
My daughters teacher said "But Sophie, these people are not your family, I'm talking about Mum and Dad and brothers or sisters"
Sophie was distraught and her answer was "But I don't live with a Mummy, a Daddy or brothers and sisters. I have no brothers and sisters. But I have three Uncles who I love. My Nonna and Poppy who I love and my Gay Uncles who I love too. They are my family"
Even our education system in 2012 goes right back to traditional nuclear status, when there is
no traditional nuclear families anymore. We hetero people have littered the landscape with divorce, step parents, step siblings, half brothers/sisters etc etc etc.
And even still, my daughter was questioned as to what her family "looked like"? Not okay and I made sure I addressed the school directly on that matter.
Her Gay Uncles
are her family. They see every school event, every cross country, every dance recital, they are here for me when I'm sick and make sure Sophie is distracted when I need the time to take care of myself. They take her to soccor practice and kiss her when she hurts herself.
They moved 2 minutes away from me, so they could be there more fully for her. Are they her family? You bet your arse they are. The most influential male figures in her life, along with my three very straight, alpha male brothers.
And I couldn't be prouder or more confident that she is completely loved and cared for. This is
our world and she is a confident, well adjusted, happy and imaginative little girl. Who is very open minded and loves and accepts her gay Uncles without prejudice or conflict.
I am so proud of the little girl she is. And I do it on my own, but my god, I have the help of some wonderful, amazing men, straight and gay and I am so grateful for it.
My cousin, would like to get married to his partner and he should have the right to do so.