I used to let training rule my life. It definitely alienated me from some circles of friends.
I'd very rarely go out socially. Wouldn't stay out late at night because I needed to get my 8+ hours sleep for recovery.
I would always plan when I was going anywhere so that it would fit in with when my next meal was, otherwise I wouldn't go.
I remember going to my sister's house to visit and I'd take eggs to cook up, how sad lol
If for some reason I was 'late' in having a meal I'd start to freak out and be like "OMG I'm going to shrivel up, all my hard work has gone to waste"
If I did go anywhere I had to take food with me... a can of tuna and salad, a protein shake etc.
I'd never eat lunch with co-workers because I was afraid if I touched a 'bad' carb I'd turn into a fat arse.
Where did it get me? Nowhere. In hindsight it was pretty sad really.
Now I'm a lot more relaxed with everything and funnily enough my training or body composition hasn't suffered, if anything it has improved.
I never bring up the subject of training/diet in discussions with people, but if they do then I'll join in. Often I don't go into a lot of detail with people who don't lift because they don't really understand what you're saying anyway, the type of people who just ask "how much do you bench?".