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AusBB Odd Lift Leaderboard

Put me down for:
dips x 20
pullups x 12 (sorry kungfugoo)

Really...really? l want video evidence of said reps like l put up before getting kicked off the leader board.

Being serious though well done, l might try hit 12 chinups on Saturday :| If not i'll give something else a crack.

Edit* just saw you kicked me out of the Dips for reps top 10 as well.... And you spelt my name wrong. Definately getting the #10 spot back this Saturday
280 deadlift - 4 x 25kg plates and 8 x 20kg

Sorry guys been having issues with my interwebs at home. Will update the OP shortly! Just keep an eye on it if you'd posted a lift in the last week to make sure I don't miss it.

ps you're a harsh judge Morgan lol
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dips, bw+50kg(125) x 3, then tried bw+60 and got stuck at the bottom, had to kind kip out and well I thought i hurt a shoulder..but seems ok.