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Strong Lifts 5 x 5

graham thinks oni is in love with dave but dave is in love with graham.. So yeah.. thats whats happening from what ive read so far.

Oh and something to do with chins/rows
Thus far

ONI, rows are pointless, if you cannot perform a chin up use pulldowns?

Dave, retract your scapula? Do all three?

Graham, I have no idea other than the only machine he would consider is a pulldown?
I just think rows are pointless. I'm doing them at the moment as part of the program Pendlay gave me until I can do cleans well and hate every second of it lol

"My opinion about barbell rows is as follows: fuck barbell rows. Really. Fuck them. Stop wasting time worrying about barbell rows and get your deadlift up to 500" - Mark Rippletits
graham thinks oni is in love with dave but dave is in love with graham.. So yeah.. thats whats happening from what ive read so far.

Oh and something to do with chins/rows

You're just jealous I don't love you anymore.
"My opinion about barbell rows is as follows: fuck barbell rows. Really. Fuck them. Stop wasting time worrying about barbell rows and get your deadlift up to 500" - Mark Rippletits

And that's probably half the reason he has kyphosis.
I don't think he trains at all these days lol. You seen the recent pics of Zach Evetts? He cut a lot of fat of and he's fucking jacked lol
You're wasting a lot of energy lowering the bar to the correct position. Pendlay rows you row it up then drop it to the floor again. Rip explains it well in his vimeo video

What would you say the logical progression is for someone that can't do assisted chins? Seated row + lat pulldown?


Inverted rows with assistance if needed then work up from there. I would also use some pure scap retraction work. Prone T's are good for this.

Inverted rows with assistance if needed then work up from there. I would also use some pure scap retraction work. Prone T's are good for this.

Are Prone T's like this? [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mAbqFLleLY]Prone Ts - YouTube[/ame]

Aren't they similar to reverse flies?

Also what do you think of these: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K1L72HeeKI]Batwing Holds For Scapula Retraction and Rhomboid Strength - YouTube[/ame] except for reps instead of a hold at the top?
If Rippetoe said gay sex was good for squat form I would legit get bummed
no homo
Rip says "fuck rows" but isn't that mainly because he thinks powercleans are better? Hence you'd be more efficient if you were doing power cleans. That's like me saying "fuck front squats" because I think back squats are better. Both exercises are great but one is considered better. Hell, Jim Wendler is one of the biggest Rip nuthuggers out there but he also says you should row once a week and do pullups 2-3 times a week.

You don't have to agree with everything your favourite strength coach says. I don't agree with every word Wendler says and I'd let him jizz in my tea and then I'd say thank you.
Yeah he said "fuck rows" cos he got sick of guys asking him if they could do rows instead of power cleans lol.

Power cleans/squat cleans are good exercises for speed/power development if performed properly. But they're apples and oranges compared to proper scapular retraction exercises.
More a fan of.prone T's but I also use them with prone y's and w's(or U's) for a lot or scapular stabilizer work.

Good post freako. Except the last bit that was quite disturbing.