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2.5 months into training, few Qs

if the barbell fell of the shelf and hit me on the head it i would feel that for sure all 20kgs of it :) So im counting it!
Please explain in a logical sentence why you owuld not count the bar if it is weight that you are lifting?

ive just never counted the bar, heard some people do, but most dont from wat ive heard/read or been told

and btw i swear i was reading a thread and you went on about how you dont count the bar, not being rude or anything i appreciate the advice your giving me

counting the bar (at 20kg), i was deadlifting 60 and squatting 65 then

also, would it be worth going to the gym tommorow? if so wat would you recommend?
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Don't be over zealous in your training.
Your body needs time to recover esp you CNS.

Stick to this program for a while and you'll do well.
Go get 'em mate.

P.S - Count the bloody bar :)
might aswell do it during the off days then, works out good as my cardio is lacking

also with the ptc, is doing just 3 sets of 8 reps of bench enough to get any chest development? thats why i started to do dumbell press at the end didnt feel like i did much on chest
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might aswell do it during the off days then, works out good as my cardio is lacking

also with the ptc, is doing just 3 sets of 8 reps of bench enough to get any chest development? thats why i started to do dumbell press at the end didnt feel like i did much on chest

It is enough. My chest grew from it quite easily. So will yours.
in my opinion it would be pushing things. If your worried so much just throw in some flys or something at the end of a session once a week.
Please search all this has been covered 1000 times.

You are a novice. You will not be ronnie coleman in 6 months from doing dumbell press.
Please search all this has been covered 1000 times.

You are a novice. You will not be ronnie coleman in 6 months from doing dumbell press.

im not expecting to become ronnie coleman in 6 months, im trying to adjust what i am doign to get it right so that i can maximise my gains
Do the program as is. Alot of guys on here have done well with the program.
You get stronger in the gym, bigger or smaller at the dinner table.

And Count the bar.
im not expecting to become ronnie coleman in 6 months, im trying to adjust what i am doign to get it right so that i can maximise my gains

There is no 'right' so to speak just 'smart', but what you were doing was far from smart for you...

Do the PTC program for at least 6 months.

Eat 4.5g protein per kg bodyweight. ( if you have no kidney problems)

Eat whole foods.. Simple carbs after training/before/

Cottage cheese before bed.

Lift big sleep well. Report back in 6 months thanking us.
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Bro I based them numbers as an example... You might be over or below 2000calories so them numbers will ALL change...

Look up calorie maintenance calculators and enter weight and height and figure out your maintenance and add 500calories to that number... That is the amount of calories you should be eating...

Then split up into even number of meals...

If your actually keen on a strict(er) diet then I can do it for you. As you seem like a beginner, though I cbf doing it if you won't stick to it. Don't think a bulk is drinking protein shakes and eating potato chips all day. It's the same foods as a cut though more of them lol

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Are you seriously military pressing more than your DL?
Anyway, just keep adding weight each session and after a while you won't feel like you need to add in the DB press at the end. I think your questions have been answered. Now this training stuff should go in you log. :)
ive created a log to keep track of my progress and will stick to the program for 6 months, i know a bulk isnt just drinking shakes eating junk all day, im eating clean foods to and staying away from junk. for now it seems to be working for me so il keep at it, il think of looking into adjustments later down the track. i will work out what my maintenance calories are

appreciate all the help :)
not sure if serious

Why?? 2g of protein per lb of bodyweight is the old school standard, which is 4.5g per kg.......personally I reckon its a bit too much and I work to 1.5 x LBM which I have found is equally effective for me. But you cant argue with the results people have had over the years eating 2g/lb.