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About becoming a personal trainer

Last session Monica had squatted 45kg 1x20, so today I gave her a choice between more reps and more weight - she could do 45kg 1x30, or 47.5kg 1x20. She chose more weight, I don't blame her. She followed it up with OHP 25kg 3x6 (more reps) and DL 60kg 2x5 (more sets).

Was it cruel to get her to do Tabata thrusters after that?
Monica did 6kg x65. Last time she tried them 2011-02-08 she did 6kg x58. She is herself ~65kg, looking to get down to under 60kg.

The strongest one on Tabata is Gina at 49.5kg, she uses 7kg with reps in the 60s. Also the strongest in pushups. I've not yet tried her on OHP as she is small, she recently squatted 50kg for a single. May try OHP tomorrow and see how she goes. The 2.5kg increments we can have on BB OHP are actually quite big for these women who are 50-65kg. That's why I've tended to look to the thrusters - where we have DB from 1kg to 10kg in 1kg jumps - to build pressing strength. The DB go to 2.5kg jumps over 10kg, but I reckon that if you can do 80+ Tabata thrusters with 10kg DB then you are more than ready to go into some serious barbell pressing.

This is an experiment as not many women I've worked with have wanted a lot of strength. I mean, everyone no matter what gets a deep knee-bend, picks something heavy up off the ground and puts something heavy overhead, it's just a matter of exactly what and how.
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Fantastic work. I reckon girls love Thrusters because they know damn well they have worked hard.

The girls are putting up good numbers too Kyle, well done
Yes, women in particular seem to love them, you're right, Markos. They are a bit crazy that way, but good crazy :)

Given that we usually have just 30 minute sessions once or twice a week, would you say that the TT are a good way to build pressing strength? It just seems the only way to get a good volume of pressing reps in a half-hour session with barbells and legs and pull to do, too.

Thanks, it's not my work but theirs. I just tell them what to put on the bar and how many times to lift it and say "knees out!" and "chest up!" a lot. I am interested to see how they develop as lifters. Gina I think has great potential, but will go overseas for two months in April and so fall behind. Monica also has a very good base. But Agatha may be the dark horse and come from behind.

And others may come along, as I said there are a couple who are not my clients, just general gym members who want to get stronger. And I see one or two others who may be interested, we'll have to see. You'll laugh, but that Les Mills BodyPump is actually a surprisingly good introduction to weight training for them.

I reckon Nina developed a lot of her pressing strength from Thrusters. She has gone as heavy as 24kg KB in each hand.

A Thruster is a fuller range push press in my opinion.

If your short on time, then combining a deep knee bend with an overhead press is a no brainer
jchen, 20 seconds max reps, 10 seconds rest. Repeat for 8 sets total, 4 minutes of very hard work. Choose some whole-body exercise like burpees or thrusters.

24kg KB thrusters is insane, I am impressed.

In fact we are doubling up on the deep knee-bends. Often the sessions will look like,

BB back squat
BB rack pull or deadlift
Tabata DB thrusters

If the lonely single power rack isn't available, then it's

KB/DB goblet squat or single KB/DB sumo squat
KB/DB bent-over row
Single DB OHP
and often these three will be supersetted.

Conditioning workouts are often in the stadium next to the gym
KB swings - sprint to one side of stadium then back
KB rows - sprint
KB squats - sprint
KB presses - sprint

I guess I am showing a prejudice for leg strength. But so many of my clients sit at desks all day, they need it.

I am constantly amazed at what they will do when I ask them to. This morning I had a guy running up stairs in the stadium viewing area, he'd go up some, across, down, back up, etc. Then did the same with a KB overhead. Then a heavier KB. Then both. "You were in the Army, this is bastardisation," he said. But he did it. Crazy. In a good way.
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Good work Kyle you are making those people very fit and strong - ahh sweet "bastardisation" havent heard that in a long time.
Thanks Sumo. I think they have a good start.

One writes,

"Some people like music, others like shopping, I like deadlifts."
Both clients I had tonight go to my Tuesday group, and both along with my mum said it was the hardest one they've done - Thankyou burpees:p

Finally got the non-quitting lady to fail a circuit tonight as well :D
First started with box squats, probably to just above parallel (it'll go down a hole every session until she doesn't need it)
48kg x 10 38kg x 20

Then: 5 minute circuit
6kg KB thrusters x 15
5kg Med ball slams x 20
Push ups x 10
24kg Cannonballs x 15
20kg Bent Over Row x 15
26kg KB swings x 10

First 2 rounds (we did 5) she got through one and a bit times, last 3 she didn't get through the whole way at all, and in the very last one I think she managed 2 reps in the last minute haha. Think she enjoyed it though, has no want for progression as far as lifting more or anything. Just wants to feel "puffed".

My 2nd lady is more my type of client. Loves lifting heavier weights and having a chat between sets :D
Tonight she did 25kg BP for 2 sets of 7. Says she's done 30kg for 12 before so next week we should comfortably get 30kg x 7. Also DL the 40kg KB for 2 x 20 and swung the 16kg for 2 x 20.
Those mums are a determined bunch. Her daughter didn't come this week, but her brother is coming down next Thursday with her
Gina came to train today, "I've got wicked DOMS in my hamstrings." She begins every session telling me she has a sore back, sore neck, a head cold, DOMS, whatever - "should I train?"
"Yes, you should train."

She blamed the Tabata thrusters for her DOMS, I think it was probably the squats followed by rack pulls with higher weights than she'd used before. I mean, when you're shifting half or less your bodyweight, you can just grunt it up with your quads, which are typically stronger. But squatting near your bodyweight, or pulling more than it, you really can't do it without using hamstrings and glutes.

On Wednesday she'd squatted 45kg and pulled 60kg from the rack, each for 1x5. So today the goal was 2x5. Squats were fine but she kept piking out on the pulls, so it ended up 4,1,4,2 - an extra rep for the piking. No Tabata, once a week is usually enough I reckon.

No more training people today, and tomorrow is my day off. So it'll be Sunday before anything more interesting happens, let's see how the Sunday arvo goes. SINS team day, we call it - strong is the new skinny.
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Nice acronym.
My worst DOMS have come from single leg stiff leg deads. I thought I had a tear. Followed by squats and then chins.
I have a 16kg fat bar at home. I use it for thrusters.
20 MP thrusters, 10 curls
20 PP thrusters, 10 curs
20 OHS.
Problem is if I swim free or back after that I get hammy cramp.
I love thrusters.
Quiet first SINS day, just one lifter. A second who was supposed to come was caught with broken-down car. That's okay, gotta start somewhere.

Working on her own, Carloyn had previously squatted 30kg, put a 6kg dumbbell overhead and rack pulled 40kg, all for 5+ reps. Not as much as she could lift, but this was on my advice, working on your own as a complete novice, better to go too slow than too fast.

Today she squatted 37.5kg, put a 9kg dumbbell overhead, and rack pulled 60kg, all for 5+ reps.

No Tabata, she was hungover and I didn't want to clean up any chunder. Much happier with this training than with her old routine with Swiss balls in it. Says she feels better posture, less back pain, etc.

Up to 10 clients and 17 sessions a week at one gym. I've not started doing PT at the second gym yet. Currently working 1200-1900 Sundays, and 0530-1000 roughly Mondays through Thursdays. The second gym is work on top of that, shifts here and there. Not sure where I'd put PT.

For reasons unknown, a visitor to the centre decided to smear his poo all over the toilet seat and walls. Last I saw the duty manager, he was going into the changerooms with the water blaster, he didn't look happy.
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For reasons unknown, a visitor to the centre decided to smear his poo all over the toilet seat and walls. Last I saw the duty manager, he was going into the changerooms with the water blaster, he didn't look happy.
that happened last year in a gym i went to, was a bit of a shock :S
Young woman Anna came in today, I was supposed to show her through a routine someone else had written. I recognised the name, I'd chatted to her a few days before. Athletic-looking young woman, seemed fairly confident in the weights area.

The routine was leg press, chest press machine, that sort of thing. Only one or two bosu ball exercises out of 10-12 in all. As typical gym routines go, a not terrible routine for a deconditioned beginner who'd be training on their own, get them introduced to the gym without scaring them by making them do technically difficult stuff or heavier weights.

Anna was not a deconditioned beginner. From overseas, she'd previously had a couple of basketball coaches who'd given her weight training. She definitely knew her way around a barbell, performing hang cleans and jerks with ease, squats and deadlifts. A bit out of practice, but pretty good, the best cleans I've seen in the gym. She responded very quickly and well to technique checks, too.

Anna, at around 60kg, claims to have squatted 120kg in the past. Seeing her original squat was a half-squat, her actual squat would have been quite a bit less. Still, she's felt 120kg on her back and not simply collapsed, even without squatting it that's not nothing.

She easily did SQ40, HC30, DL60 and jerk 20, we didn't push it - were just looking at basic technique for starting weights. For every 5 clients I have, I have one scholarship - someone with strength or athletic goals who can't really afford training. Gina's #1, Anna #2. We'll see her on Sundays with the SINS crew.

I fired my co-worker an email letting them know Anna had asked for something more challenging.