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My gym has one Smith Machine.

For some reason today a group of three ladies decided they would do 10kg bench presses with it.

Mind you that wasn't what annoyed me the most. They chit chatted around like they where holding a mother club meeting and held it up for about 25 minutes.

At least they were having a good time.

I gotta ask they MILF's?

My gym has one Smith Machine.

For some reason today a group of three ladies decided they would do 10kg bench presses with it.

Mind you that wasn't what annoyed me the most. They chit chatted around like they where holding a mother club meeting and held it up for about 25 minutes.

At least they were having a good time.

Why would you wait for the smith machine.

Yep, because they took to long i had to do my squats as my last exercise.

Normally i like to do my squats second after i've done some leg curls, so was not exactly ideal.

Anyway your right, last time I just used a 1/2 rack to do my squats. I just feel a little more secure using a full cage when pushing myself. Simon.
At my current gym (not for long:cool:) they only have the one smith machine/barbell rack combo and its a tiny venue to boot, which is a bit annoying when you don't time your visits effectively with everyone else:mad:

On the upside, most of the other patrons are overweight middle-aged office workers (with a sprinkle here and there of smoking hot female action) there for the machines and cardio/boxasise classes. Given that though, every now and then you get a group of 3 champs doing 20kg smith machine presses/squats grunting away:rolleyes:
I didn't see it today but...

I watched a guy use 2 "spotters" to do his deadlifts. He was doing about 200 by himself, but got his mates to help at about 230...
Smith machine doesnt allow for the proper bar path. Puts too much pressure on your lower back


Also, if you are not carrying injury, there is no reason to use a smith machine to squat. Get in the cage and squat like a man. hehe.
I didn't see it today but...

I watched a guy use 2 "spotters" to do his deadlifts. He was doing about 200 by himself, but got his mates to help at about 230...

WTF... how and why do you "spot" a deadlift? Why would you bother, im surprised his grip strength was holding if he needed his mates to help him get the weight up, what happens if one of your "spotters" lets go or stuffs up, injuries all round... silly silly
Smith machine doesnt allow for the proper bar path. Puts too much pressure on your lower back

I think bar path is moot.

After many years I feel all exercises are useful up to a point.

Using a smith machine with substantial weight and working close to muscular fatigue is extremely risky as the bar does in fact only travel in one plane, getting caught would literally crush you.

Most of these bastards are positioned up against the wall.
Great, glossing over this thread has now prepared me to go to the gym tonight and be self conscious that all of the pro-elite-super-max-hardcore guys think I'm a massive fuck-wit because my leg is slightly to the left when I do my lat pull downs.

Or that my etiquette, form or general vibe is that of a mere-wannabe because I didn't notice the gym etiquette on the way in, nor was I let in on the special code of conduct pertaining how to be an awesome person and not be shit at gyms.

I actually regret signing up to my gym last night, now, if this is the kind of shit that goes though peoples heads.

I'm only there to mind my own business and do what I can to be healthy and get stronger.

I didn't realise everyone was checking each other out and throwing judgments.

How pretentious.
Great, glossing over this thread has now prepared me to go to the gym tonight and be self conscious that all of the pro-elite-super-max-hardcore guys think I'm a massive fuck-wit because my leg is slightly to the left when I do my lat pull downs.

Or that my etiquette, form or general vibe is that of a mere-wannabe because I didn't notice the gym etiquette on the way in, nor was I let in on the special code of conduct pertaining how to be an awesome person and not be shit at gyms.

I actually regret signing up to my gym last night, now, if this is the kind of shit that goes though peoples heads.

I'm only there to mind my own business and do what I can to be healthy and get stronger.

I didn't realise everyone was checking each other out and throwing judgments.

How pretentious.

Very much agree. Good on you for posting this.
Great, glossing over this thread has now prepared me to go to the gym tonight and be self conscious that all of the pro-elite-super-max-hardcore guys think I'm a massive fuck-wit because my leg is slightly to the left when I do my lat pull downs.

Or that my etiquette, form or general vibe is that of a mere-wannabe because I didn't notice the gym etiquette on the way in, nor was I let in on the special code of conduct pertaining how to be an awesome person and not be shit at gyms.

I actually regret signing up to my gym last night, now, if this is the kind of shit that goes though peoples heads.

I'm only there to mind my own business and do what I can to be healthy and get stronger.

I didn't realise everyone was checking each other out and throwing judgments.

How pretentious.
Yes you are right, however, this is nothing new. Welcome to real life.
Great, glossing over this thread has now prepared me to go to the gym tonight and be self conscious that all of the pro-elite-super-max-hardcore guys think I'm a massive fuck-wit because my leg is slightly to the left when I do my lat pull downs.

Or that my etiquette, form or general vibe is that of a mere-wannabe because I didn't notice the gym etiquette on the way in, nor was I let in on the special code of conduct pertaining how to be an awesome person and not be shit at gyms.

I actually regret signing up to my gym last night, now, if this is the kind of shit that goes though peoples heads.

I'm only there to mind my own business and do what I can to be healthy and get stronger.

I didn't realise everyone was checking each other out and throwing judgments.

How pretentious.

Toughen up princess. The same thing happens when you paddle out for a surf, roll into the skatepark, run onto the footy feild, do your shopping, walk into a nightclub and show up for work. Lighten up! people observe others and if they are lucky see something interesting, different and get a laugh... it keeps things interesting mate.