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Saw a guy walk in carrying a belt. An hour later he walked out taking it off.

The thing is, he had not squatted or deadlifted...
Yeah my boy (3.5) caught a glimpse of them one day and asked what the man was doing...the therapy is going to cost $$$.
Just got a message from a friend asking about rep ranges for hypertrophy etc
I asked her why she wanted to know
Apparently some guy told her that to build muscle is 6-8 reps (little narrow but fair enough I guess) BUT 10-12 won't build any muscle and is only for 'toning'
Just thought I'd share my frustration
Saw a guy wearing gloves, a belt, a pink top, on the smith machine benching with his feet on the bench.
Not a gym, but on another forum, I saw a skinny guy asking how he can bulk up but he doesn't want to go too hardcore as it'll upset his parents. He's deadlifting 30kg and benching 20kg.
Not a gym, but on another forum, I saw a skinny guy asking how he can bulk up but he doesn't want to go too hardcore as it'll upset his parents. He's deadlifting 30kg and benching 20kg.

Haha that is actually funny.
I see it all the time at my uni gym. Sadly not a myth.

Another one I hate at my gym is people who do not-so-strict military press with just the bar or bar + some small weights (<40kg total) in the squat rack while there's an entire rack of small barbells from 5kg to 50kg that they could use.

Those guys just like standing in the squat rack to feel HUGE.

whats wrong with doing military in power racks with 40kgs? gotta start somewhere :P
Smith Machine hold up.

My gym has one Smith Machine.

For some reason today a group of three ladies decided they would do 10kg bench presses with it.

Mind you that wasn't what annoyed me the most. They chit chatted around like they where holding a mother club meeting and held it up for about 25 minutes.

At least they were having a good time.