Good work dude.. I assume you did 8x10 and your not cheating? Lol prepare for a few days of pain... Then get back to them.
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Rest man rest as the doms will get you its only a matter of time lol
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I did 50 in 10.05.
Woeful I know. The burn in the legs is what fark's me. I was dripping in sweat like never before.
I will continue with 50 until I get down to bout 6-7 mins before attempting 100. 100 right now would probably take in excess of 25 mins I reckon. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr
I did 50 in 10.05.
Woeful I know. The burn in the legs is what fark's me. I was dripping in sweat like never before.
Good stuff Steve. Why not hit weights 3 times per week and reserve one day for burpees?Hey Shrek,
Fadi put me on a course (of which i am still on)in the last two months. I worked my way up to 101 burpees in one sitting. Took me about 30 odd mins. When I achieved this I was able to start my weights lifting routines.
I am 49 years old (50 in Feb 2011). I now do my weights 3-4 days a week.
Burpees are the meanest toughest exercise I have ever done. But, hell they work.
Thanks to Fadi (where ever he is) I am on the road to better health and strength.
Thanks Fadi where ever you are.
Yeah the legs really burn and makes the jump difficult, the push ups are easy even after 50, tell me about it.
i tried this today (gotta start doing something to lose fat during my cut lol), first 10 were fine, every 5 after that was freakin hard. pushups were fine, but the jump from the push up to squat position was a killer.
absolutely kills my legs
Fadi needs to let someone know about all these new times! Great job everyone.