Well done Rob!
This evening at Box Hill I wandered around talking to people, as usual. I took one woman through an example workout. "I want to lose this," she said, pointing to her post-pregnancy belly, "and to be stronger and fitter, at the moment I puff carrying my groceries upstairs, I do lots of time on the treadmill, what do you think?"
I described at length, then said, "But really it's best to show you. Show you the sort of routine I'd recommend you do to achieve your goals. Do you have 20 minutes?"
"I have to pick up my daughter at 6."
"Okay, 15 minutes?"
I tested her out with bodyweight squats, she could do 20 good ones, so it was time to put a bar on her back. "I can't do this!" she said, but she could do it easily a dozen times.
So I whacked 10kg on each side. "I can't do this!" she cried.
"Yes, you can," I said. "And if you can't there are safeties here, if you get down and can't get up, just dump the bar behind you."
She stepped into the rack, pressed the bar out and stood there. "No, I can't!" She reracked the bar.,
"Yes, you CAN do it. Get BACK under the bar and LIFT it!"
She stepped under, pressed it out, put out 5 reps, no worries. I had her do a second set just to hammer the point home.
Next was deadlift, I put a 10kg on each side and away she went. Next, 20kg. The "can't do it" only came once, but of course she did it in the end.
Then I had her do some sumos with a single dumbell, 20 reps. At rep 13 she put the dumbbell down and said, "I can't go on, this is too much."
"I forgot to tell you, if you miss a rep, you owe 100% interest. You had 7 left, now you must do 14."
"No! What?"
"14 reps please."
She did them without trouble, just a little sweat.
In all,
Squats, 1x20, 20kg 1x10, 40kg 2x5
Deadlift, 40kg 1x5, 60kg 1x5
Sumo DB DL, 20kg 1x13, 1x14 (less than 30 seconds rest)
No time for a press, unfortunately. She'd delayed a bit with all her "but I can't!" and this wasted some time, I wanted to use the last 3 minutes for some cardio work. But it was only 15 minutes, and she'd never barbell squatted before, nor deadlifted anything (at least in the gym).
"Wow! I've never done a workout like that before! I didn't know I was strong! When are you on next? Can you train me? I need training a couple of times a week."
"Next Monday."
"I can't come in next Monday. Sorry, I have to go pick up my daughter now. I hope I see you soon!"
It's a bit hard to organise PT sessions when I've no regular gym shifts to build on. So I missed out on a client, I'm not impressed.
On the other hand, I
was impressed to see a young woman, around 62kg, squatting 75kg x4. I asked her goals.
"No sports or physique goals?"
"No, I just want to be strong."
I was so happy, I worked with her for about half an hour. I tuned up her lifts a bit - knees out on the squats and we could add 10kg to the bar, bar closer to the shins on deadlifts and the 80kg x4 was much easier for her.
This second woman's a uni student, so not a prospective client. But there are some clients you'd train for free.
There were a few less pleasant and friendly people working out in the gym. But that's life in the service industry, you get arseholes everywhere. And one or two loopy ones.
I dunno, if nothing else I can make these gyms friendlier places, where some people at least are encouraged a bit.