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Meal 1:
egg white scramble:
- 5 egg whites
- quarter spanish onion
- rocket
- tomato
two slices wholegrain toast
WPC shake in full cream milk with fish oil tabs, DIM, multi-vit

Meal 2:
180g Coles Light cottage cheese
an apple

Meal 3:
200g sliced meat
mixed salad
- tomato
- rocket
- olives
- feta

Meal 4:
WPC shake in skim milk


Meal 5:
Dinner, whatever the wife makes but 200g meat and veg type combo

Meal 6:
Cassein shake in water with creatine

Needs work, but basics in place...
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Diabetes can be controlled without insulin... And it can almost be reversed, proper diet nutrition and exercise are all it takes... But with your current eating it isnt possible..

Noobs I doubt at his age that he is a type 2 diabetic, so for him it is irreversible.
Posted via Mobile Device

Meal 1:
egg white scramble:
- 5 egg whites
- quarter spanish onion
- rocket
- tomato
two slices wholegrain toast
WPC shake in full cream milk with liver tabs, DIM, multi-vit

Meal 2:
180g Coles Light cottage cheese
an apple

Meal 3:
200g sliced meat
mixed salad
- tomato
- rocket
- olives
- feta

Meal 4:
WPC shake in skim milk


Meal 5:
Dinner, whatever the wife makes but 200g meat and veg type combo

Meal 6:
Cassein shake in water with creatine

Needs work, but basics in place...

Looks pretty darn good to me.
Noobs I doubt at his age that he is a type 2 diabetic, so for him it is irreversible.
Posted via Mobile Device

Sorry didnt see his age i thought he was an older gentleman maybe i got him confused with some one else..

Yes sorry not all diabetis just lifestyle induced i.e type 2.

Meal 1:
- 4 whole eggs
- 2 pieces wholegrain toast
- 1 banana
- 1 scoop WPI & 250ml lite milk

Meal 2:
- 2 95g tins low fat tuna in sundried tomato & onion
- 1/2 cup brown rice

Snack 1:
- Apple

Meal 3:
- 2 95g tins low fat tuna in sundried tomato & onion
- 1/2 cup brown rice

Snack 2:
- Manadrin

Meal 4:
- 200g chicken breast
- Handful mixed vegetables

Snack 3:
- Banana

- 1.5 scoops WPI
- 1 tsp Creatine
- 1 tsp BCAA's
- 1 tsp L-Glutamine
- 2 tbsp Dextrose
- 300-400ml water

Meal 5:
- 100-200g steak
- Handful mixed vegetables

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Today will be:

Meal 1:
Monster milk - In a rush just a RTD

Meal 2:
300g steak

Meal 3:
300g steak

Meal 4:
300g steak

Meal 5:
300g steak

Meal 6:

+ 6-7L of water
- Broc adds upto about 800g-1kg
- Also in there will be a post workout muscle milk shake
Looks pretty darn good to me.

Thanks mate, but n00bs or others would point out gaps in some of the tricky stuff that I don't understand yet. Green tea? Milk thistle? etc.

BTW, dinner turned out to be a 200g steak and mixed green salad again.

P!ssed today though as I left my lunch in the fridge at home. :( But at least the low fat cottage cheese is here in the work fridge as is my WPC bucket. I'll just have to go for a drive at lunch time to Get Grilled for some grilled fish and salad...

^^ Nice work powersports. Water is something I don't drink enough of, I'm lucky to drink a litre a day as well as my two or three shakes worth another 600mil or so. 2ltrs probably doesn't cut it.

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Thanks mate, but n00bs or others would point out gaps in some of the tricky stuff that I don't understand yet. Green tea? Milk thistle? etc.

BTW, dinner turned out to be a 200g steak and mixed green salad again.

P!ssed today though as I left my lunch in the fridge at home. :( But at least the low fat cottage cheese is here in the work fridge as is my WPC bucket. I'll just have to go for a drive at lunch time to Get Grilled for some grilled fish and salad...

^^ Nice work powersports. Water is something I don't drink enough of, I'm lucky to drink a litre a day as well as my two or three shakes worth another 600mil or so. 2ltrs probably doesn't cut it.


Yea mate water has been something I have been slack with - but I make an effort to drink it - instead of having a 600ml bottle/shake with water in it - I now have a 1.5/2L bottle next to me - As soon as I get up I drink about 800ml-1L, get to work another 2L, training another 2L and then I pretty much keep drinking till I leave the gym which is normally between 5-7 - I reckon somedays I would drink 9-10L
Yea mate water has been something I have been slack with - but I make an effort to drink it - instead of having a 600ml bottle/shake with water in it - I now have a 1.5/2L bottle next to me - As soon as I get up I drink about 800ml-1L, get to work another 2L, training another 2L and then I pretty much keep drinking till I leave the gym which is normally between 5-7 - I reckon somedays I would drink 9-10L

Shit thats alot of water lol...

But if its required then its required..

Alot of us dont dirnk neough water, when you eat a high protein diet the amount is higher then the normal person. A byproduct of protein metabolism is uric acid... Very acid forming for the body. So your body draws calcium from your bones or blood to act as a buffer... This is where they think the link between kidney problems is howver if calcium intake is adequate and you aredrinking neough water it shouldnt e a problem...

Another thing is for our bodyies to break down protein into specific amino acids the same with breaking down sucrose into 2 seperate sugars what is missing is a hydrogen bond and our bondies chemically have to add that bond so hydrogen is pulled from water molecules to add to the protein/sugar for it to be broken down.

The result? Well you need more water again...

Sounds complicated but just think "for my body to do its job properly with what im telling it it require smore water to run efficiently.."

8second fj24et with a t51r requiresmore fuel then an excel :P
Last night I was at the pub and didn't want to pay $29 for a main, so I missed out on dinner. On my way home at midnight I was starving, nothing was open, so I went to McDs for the first time in several years and had a double cheeseburger.

God, it was awful. How can a meat meal be so sweet? How can you have bread and meat and cheese and a vegetable, and make it all so bland? I couldn't make such bland, tasteless stuff if I tried.
And it doesnt fill you up.

Fast food places have NO FIBRE it anything... Fibre activates your stretch receptors and say fat **** stop eating...

I wonder why they take it all out and add sodium and sugar?!?

Dam its a mystery :p
Just went and bought my lunch. $9.50 for a piece of grilled cod and a greek salad. Someone explain to me why it costs twice as much as the fried crap. Grumble, grumble...

Tastes good though! ;)

Mike your starting to sound like an old man. You firstly forget your lunch and then grumble at the price of things these days.

'Back in my day you just got a rod and went fishing to eat your fish, didn't cost you a cent, none of this $10 dollar grilled fish crap you just ate it raw so you could get back to the coal mine.'

Sorry couldn't help myself. Chicken sandwich for me, will have some salad in a second (works out to be about 4 bucks for my meal all up).
Oli what BF are you, probably something around 12-14 yeah, SCREW YOU OLI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to go eat my chicken breasts now... with some salad.
Steak night tonight after I train.
I have a 400gm porterhouse and will have some mixed vegies with that.

yummmmmmmmmm I love steak, but limited to once per week now.
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