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ProRaw Powerlifting

Thanks Joel, I figured Matt and Blake would enjoy this, plus the others you have training hard there.

Mitch, no more nonsense cutting hey, just get up to 105kg.

Imagine Michael at 85kg, he totaled well over 500kg at 67.5kg, without knee wraps.

For those of you that have never worn wraps, its not a case of simply putting them on and finding 20kg in your squat.

I've made this announcement early so you guys can get used to the wraps and give you a few months to add bodyweight. You guys have 4 months before the first ProRaw comp.
Awesome work Markos...looking forward to seeing how this eventuates...I'm sure there'll be a plethora of gym junkies rocking up and put on a big show as will the "seasoned professionals".....

PS no elbow sleeves IMO
Im so hot right now,this is what we need heads up comp,abs are for wogs at somerdays or up themselves dudes on face book,bulk up boys lets start lifting.even if i won the cash it would go straight back into ptc for everything hes done for me and the sport,well done markos. 100% IN.
Correct, it is the fastest way to adjust height and width.

It also doesnt stop anybody walking the weight out if they want, with a Monolift you get a choice.

I've never used one, but I'm pretty sure I would walk it out.

I think your right Nathan, no elbow sleeves.
I wonder how much prize money will be needed to entice the Elite of the sport in this country lol

Hint hint Nathan, Steve, Simon etc lol
Mitch, no more nonsense cutting hey, just get up to 105kg.

Never. Again. I reckon I can make a quality 100kg~ by then no worries. Add a bit of extra weight for food/water etc.

I'm not a fan of monolifts honestly. First time using them was at Nationals. I prefer to walk it out, which I could've done there but the set-up just seems a bit "wrong". Guess I just have to get used to 'em as they do make things a hell of a lot easier.
Adjusting a rack with 250kg on it is not the easiest thing to do, a Monolift is easier.

I may not even be able to get one by then anyway, so it may have to be squat stands.

The pro's and con's are about even when you factor in cost and transport.

Nothing is set in stone yet.
Markos....what would the rules concerning squat depth and bench be (ie paralell, start/press command, paused bench yadda yadda)
Everyone at PTC knows how much I hate shallow squats, I come from an era in PL where you had to squat deep.

Same goes with the pause on the bench.

The IPF leads the world in judging as far as I'm concerned.

I watch vids on powerlifting watch all the time and I'm dimayed at what some feds will pass.

You have to squat under parallel. The bar has to come to a deadstop on the bench.

I feel, and this is me thinking aloud, that if a lifter, on his first attempt only, makes a perfect lift but racks a bar too early, he should only be cautioned. Only on an opener.

It just seems tedious and harsh that a tiny slip up on a perfect lift can be deemed as bad as a missed squat or bench.

Taking nerves into account, in experience and such.

as the meet director, I will be on hand for every single lift, and if anyone feels hard done by, they will certainly be allowed to approach me. Not on stuff like depth in a squat, touch and go on a bench or hitching on a deadlift, I mean the tedious stuff.

I wont ever over rule a judges decision on stuff like depth or bum coming off the bench.

I saw plenty of lifters rack the bar early on squats and bench openers, as well as return the bar to the floor before the down command on deadlift openers.
If a lifter questions me about it, and the judges say the lift was good till that point, and its an opener, the lift will pass and the lifter cautioned.

No get out of jail cards on second and third attempts.

I will also allow a lifter to continue if he bombs in a lift. He cant win so he's not hurting anyone. How strong would you have to be to bomb on a lift and win with 2 lifts only lol.

I suppose I saw Jay Nera total 640kg without adding his BP in the 100kg class, raw, not sure how many could beat that lol
Pretty sure the IPF have 77 divisions all up Paul.

They have the least by far, I got the figures from Powerlifting USA where they listed all the feds.

With raw coming up now, it will take the IPF to 154 National Champions. If the info I got from PL USA is wrong, I apologize.

Didnt I see a University section as well at your Nats?

And just because you run junior or masters seperate, its still 77 lifters that can win an IPF National championship every year.

This still makes the IPF the best in terms of credible competition, but its a lot more than the 7 I have planned.

Plus, I dont consider 3-5 lifters in a division as enough, better than what we had, but 10 is a better number.

I understand that the IPF is clearly the best at this, I just want to make it better.
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I think what Mac is meaning is that the PA nationals are open division only- meaning that there are no sub-junior/junior/masters divisions.
Competition could always be better however.
He listed about 45 lifters, PA claimed 100, where were the others, cause they certainly werent in the crowd.

IPF is the least watered down competition in the world, only an idiot would argue that.

7 divisions will be much less, not even an idiot could argue that.
I believe Mac was referring to the mens comp.

interestingly the IPF is considering a proposal at this years congress to reduce the number of weight classes.
At the World Games and at the Arnold in the bench they currently run with 4 weight classes- lightweight, middleweight, heavyweight, shw. Cool- personally I like to see the IPF go that way.
Its where I got my idea from. There are quite a few comps now with less weight classes, and they are successful.

Its also easier to get bigger cash prizes, rather than divide the money between 12 weight classes, split it 4 ways in the men.
great idea- no doubt if there were more people like yourself the sport would have a higher profile and have many more lifters.
Markos, I forwarded this thread to Henry from the Pit in Perth. He said its a great idea, good luck, and given the right sponsors could be epic. Hopefully some of his crew will be interested. Alvin is one of them.
Thanks fellas, I hope for the sake of the lifters it gets huge and the dollars continue to rise.

I'm going to be real aggressive trying to get sponsors on board, I have some radical ideas