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Fluffy crosses to the darkside for a bit.

Yes, but you have to do it well/correctly. Poor form is bad.

I reckon the power clean would be a better option
hey fluffy i recently had some impingement in my shoulder to the point where I couldn't raise my arm overhead without pain.
a shit tone of research and mobility work and two weeks later (now) i have no pain at all, and am easing back into training.

First things first:
1. figure out exactly what is causing the issue.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCiOrkyGgqw]Empty Can - Full Can test - YouTube[/ame]

do this test along with others (look up hawkins test also) to figure out exactly what you're suffering. however if you have pain when benching its probably your supraspinatus, like mine was. This is how I pretty much got rid of all 90% of pain in under 2 weeks..

- STOP DOING ANYTHING THAT AGGRAVATES IT. if you're even mildly feeling discomfort pressing or pulling. stop, if you reinjure yourself (which you will if your feeling discomfort) you'll be out a lot longer than if you didn't

- Stretch your pecs! Combine a sedentary lifestyle at a desk all day + weight training (particularly benching), and what do you get? Tight pecs and a weak upper back. restore length to your pec, because its the actual shortening thats causing impingement in your shoulder..

-Stretch your lats. Your lats are an internal rotator of the shoulder so they do contribute alot to issues of poor posture and impingement

- Rotator cuff exercises: when doing these really try make sure you're rotator cuff is doing a majority of the work, and your delts aren't just taking over. Cuban rotations and external rotations with light dumbells are great

- Thoracic mobility: Foam roll your upper back all day erreyday, thoracic extensions!! Look up wall slides also to get your lower traps working and improve scapula depression/ overall mobility. You could also do shoulder dislocations with a band

- Try to improve your overall posture through out the day. like 9/10 people you've probably got a forward head posture that only facilitates shoulder and neck issues. look into stretches on youtube for forward head posture, plenty of good one that if done religiously make a huge difference

-Do this shit religiously, 3-4x a day.. Imo the more the better, and stop doing anything that puts any load whatsoever on your shoulder because it isn't helping your recovery at all.

Good luck