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I need to see a decent endo or TRT clinic here in Melbourne. The guy I was seeing did not fill me with confidence. What he should have done was put me on a small dose of HCG throughout. Don't get me wrong, it was awesome for the first 4-5 months but in the last 4-6 weeks using the test cream alone (even at 150mg/week) made me feel anxious as all hell. And it made no sense. My test levels were 45. Estrogen was in normal range but I just felt like shit!!!
well that explains alot jmc!

get those test levels back (whichever way suits you best) and you should have more energy, and mojo.
There's something that happened after 4-5 months on HRT.

Cream with Anavar was great. Mood, libido and everything else was stable. Take anavar out of the equator and for some unknown reason I felt like crap. Maybe estrogen was peaking but my bloods (estradiol) told a different story. So, just to be sure, I took a little Arimidex. Well, that dropped my estrogen but I still felt like crap. I suspect it was the cream and maybe oils would be better (ie more stable delivery) but without someone who actually knows about this stuff and what they are doing, I'll never know mate
I don't know how you can say that mate. My latest bloods show a complete shutdown of my pituatry. LH and FSH were both zero. So when you take away the test and your boys are producing zero test, HCG is the only thing that will restart that feedback loop. Have you ever had fluctuating test levels? If you did, you'd know exactly what I'm talking about.
uhhh, anavar too? what goes up must come down, this is pretty standard practice for when you remove a compound like anavar.

i think is a compounding effect from the androgens being pulled, AND now estrogen too low.

hopefully you were taking arimidex only like 2x a week and not every day.
True CT. I was definitely going too high on the arimidex. Killed my libido and the lack of wood was terrible. Dropped the arimidex, started 500iu of HCG every 3rd day and things started to get better. I would still like to optimize my hormones but without causing complete shutdown if that's at all possible
Having kids. I simply didn't like the peaks and troughs I was getting with the cream. The plan is to recover my natty test then find a professional who can assist with oils. Otherwise I'll probably just end up jabbing myself

why would you recover your test levels to only go on trt and shut them down again?

the cream is daily how is it going to give peaks and troffs? thats what injectables do.

this is all in your head
I'm inclined to agree mate but I felt super anxious last 4 weeks. I actually feel better that I'm off (I just look like shit lol)
Ok. I'll throw this out to the community. I suspect the girl I've been in a r'ship with for the last 3
months could be turning tricks for $&. No concrete proof. It's all circumstantial. What do I do? She just gave me a key to her house too. We are having sex every night (sometimes twice) and have had the 'yes, were exclusive chat' but I'm still suspicious. It's doing my head in. Has anyone been in this predicament before? And what did you do?
Yes mate.

As I said. I have no concrete proof (I’ve searched a number of amateur escort sites and came up with nothing). All I have is circumstantial evidence. Before I get into that, I will say that she has now given me a key to her place and last night we had a chat and I specifically asked if she and I were exclusive, to which she assured me we were. Now, the reason I have suspicions:

  1. She is totally awesome at sex and VERY sexual. We do see each other pretty much every day (with the exception of Monday evenings and possibly one other week night, give or take depending on her plans). I’ve never been with a chick like this before. She does things and says things that make me think that either she USED to do this for $$, or she is currently doing it.

2. I made a comment about a week ago after sex. It was said in jest and wasn’t meant to offend her. Basically, I said “just put the money on the table and leave”. She welled up instantly and said it was offensive, particularly because she had battled the stereotype of Russian hooker her entire life.

3. She is hardly ever on time when we catch up in the evening. I usually get a text about an hour before we meet saying “I’m so sorry, can we make it 7:30.. instead of 7pm?”

4. On Friday night, she had to finish some scenes for a student film (she does occasional acting). She was done by 8pm Friday and when I texted her she was already home but said she came home and ‘passed out’. I was just surprised she didn’t ask me to come over.

5. On Sunday morning she woke with cramps at 7am (She thought she was getting her period). She asked me to get her a hot water bottle then asked if I wouldn’t mind leaving, which I did. I went back a few hours later.

6. Yesterday, I sent her a half naked selfie when I got out of the shower at work at 9:00am. She fired one back an hour later. It was taken on her bed and the shot looked professional to me. It was time stamped at 10:00am and I thought to myself “What was she doing taking half naked selfies at home at 10:00am when she has a full time job??”. This one really has me thrown. She said she took a number of practice shot the night before (Monday evening… which she ended up deleting) and took the final one on Tuesday AM.

Obviously I have some serious ‘trust’ issues. My mind is put more at east by the fact that she gave me a key to her place. IT would seem she has nothing to hide. But I still have suspicions and I think hiring a private detective is way to extreme.

I have access to her normal phone but not her 'work' phone. I saw it lying around a few times in the first couple months we were dating, but now it's nowhere to be seen. If she is getting 'callouts' (or whatever) then they are going to this phone.