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Another "help a biggener" thread



Ive been joined up at my gym for aprox 4 months no, however i had a pretty bad injury to my left knee which put in hospital for a while, and after the operation it took me quite some time to be able to walk etc etc. With the ok from my phsio im ok to start back...
so lower body and some machines will be a problem.

Im about to turn 19, i currently weigh 59.7kg, im aprox 174cm tall, and my body fat % is 7...

the difference in my injured leg (left) and my right leg is about 6 cm
the difference in my Left amr to Right is about 2 cm

dunno what else i really need to add, my main goal is to get bigger (as most peoples)
There are plenty of exercises you can do. I always instruct clients to train around injuries rather than staying dormant.

Unfortunately I would never give advice for someone in your condition over the internet.

If you were able to tell me where you train and the gym equipment available, I could help you with a program upon seeing you in person and watching you perform a few basic movements.

Nutrition will play a bigger role in getting you heavier than lifting though.

Good luck

thanks for the info so far, i have an apointment for this thursday for a program write up, ill post it up on here when i get it...

I also have Maxx's Protein Bulk Build, ive currently been having 1 serving a day so my body gets used to however when the time comes should i have 1 before and after workouts only, or should i also have one in the afternoon/morning, i work out mostly between 5-8pm

also what are peoples thoughts on my body fat %?
I spoke to a personal trainer yestiday and got a program written up along with some eating advice...

I will also add my programe here:

Also my eating has to change quite a bit, my aim is to eat 180 grams of Protien in my diet per day, which is 2 grams per kg i wiegh. aprox 30-40grams per serving of food
also to have 6 servings of food a day, something like:

Serving 1: Protien Shake
Serving 2: Can of Tuna/Yogurt/hard boiled eggs
Serving 3: Rolls With Chiken/Turkey/Tuna (or leftover dinner from day b4)
Serving 4: Protien Shake
Serving 5: Dinner (what ever is cooked) Almonds/nuts after
Serving 6: Some type of low release protien or protein shake

Can someone tell me aprox how much protien is in:
1x Egg
1x Tub of Yogurt

I was also told to use Creatine, i was a bit sceptical as i was told you have a greater chance of kidney stones but the personal trainer said as long as you use it as per the instructions and do 6 weeks on 6 weeks off its highley unlikely...

Im looking to do like a shopping list at the start of each week, any ideas on what too add:
2 Dozzen Eggs
1 Roast Chicken
1 Dozzen Tubs yogurt
Sliced turkey
7 cans of tuna 95g
Did you tell your personal trainer about your knee? Did your personal trainer refer you to your physio before prescribing a workout, or get written advice from them? It's called "standard of care", mate - means people shouldn't try to step above what they know.

180g of protein is for your reported weight of around 60kg, some 3g protein/kg bodyweight. A third of that is just going to be pooed out. The AIS recommends 1.2-2g/kg, which for your reported weight would be 72-120g/day.

As a starting bodybuilder, you don't need creatine though in small amounts it's not going to harm you; it gives you an extra boost of energy. But for the first few months energy won't be a problem as you're just learning the exercises.

It's like when I stand next to Ricky Ponting and we both throw a cricket ball. I am almost certainly stronger than him, but his ball will go further because he knows how to apply his strength to throwing it, and I don't. Likewise with weights; for the first few months you may have the strength but are still learning to apply it. So how much energy you have isn't really an issue, and buying and consuming creatine won't help you much.

You can get nutritional information about all foods from nutritiondata.com.
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i stand corrected the personal trainer did say 120 grams not 180, as for my knee yeah i told him about it, but i ma still seeing my normal physio 3x a week and he has writeen up some exersises for me...

thanks for the help so far
Okay, good mate. We want to see you doing this long-term, not charging in and getting injured and missing out on stuff for 18 months.

I have a mate who got a knee reconstruction, didn't do the physio exercises, and two years later still has a limp and is now the fattest he's ever been. I love him like a brother but he is dumb.
chances are if you are eating to gain some size and strength e.g meat, eggs, milk etc you will get the protein you need easily. dont worry about the maximum amount of protein just make sure you get your minimum