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Kevin Rudd resigns


New member
Even though I am not a Labor party supporter, I have some respect for Kevin Rudd. I believe he was a better leader than Julia Gillard. The way his party has treated him over recent years is a joke and they should have considered themselves lucky to have him in their party. I hope he will now reveal everything about the party.

He's only preparing for a leadership challenge.

Krudd or The Ranga?? Hmmm wonderful choice.
Was just discussing something along similar lines with some friends on the weekend. Startup a poll for worst Australian PM of all time - it's pretty difficult to look past Gillard.
He's only preparing for a leadership challenge.

Krudd or The Ranga?? Hmmm wonderful choice.

I think he's gone for good. I can't believe how they say he is not loyal, yet Julia betrayed him and took his job. That's definitely the sign of a loyal person right there.
If Labor goes to the next election with Gillard as leader they will loose the same way the NSW labor party did and Gillards only legacy will be taking labor to an all time low and knifing Rudd in the back. She is little more than a puppet with zero personality.
If Labor goes to the next election with Gillard as leader they will loose the same way the NSW labor party did and Gillards only legacy will be taking labor to an all time low and knifing Rudd in the back. She is little more than a puppet with zero personality.

I hope for the good of the nation this is exactly what happens.
meh, i dont care too much about who the pm is, it just turns into a personality contest instead. Ill be voting Liberal
Gillard’s goverment has done some good things in a tough time, like what Rudd did for awhile when he was PM. Maybe this is their plan, keep switching with each other when the other’s popularity starts to fall lol.

Please save us from Tony Abbott.
Gillard’s goverment has done some good things in a tough time, like what Rudd did for awhile when he was PM. Maybe this is their plan, keep switching with each other when the other’s popularity starts to fall lol.

Please save us from Tony Abbott.

Please tell me you were overdosed on both mushrooms and LSD when you wrote that.
Please tell me you were overdosed on both mushrooms and LSD when you wrote that.

Its not a personality contest so I dont care too much that Gillard is stone cold statue. Ppl form opinions because they only focus on the negatives. Im not aligned to a party so if the Liberals had someone better than Gillard, I’d vote Liberal. But Gillard or Rudd > Abbott in my opinion. They come up with actual policies and let the public know. All Abbott does is disagree and then doesnt provide an alternative policy. I dont think he has the brains.

My partner’s great grandad started the liberal party, and I know for a fact that as long as Abbott is the opp leader they wont be voting Liberal. That says alot to me.
Well I hope he gets back in just to put the knife in the back of the ranga LOL. As for policies, this labour gov is a sham and has done the complete opposite of everything they ever fucken said period They haven't done a single good thing for this country since holding the office, they have bungled up every single thing they tried to change/fix, and they have managed to spawn the most hated PM sincee federation, THAT SAYS ALLOT TO ME!. Doesn't matter who gets the PMs job in the end, the labour party is doomed.
Got rid of workchoices and did a decent job through the GFC. But like I said, if there is a better alternative leader/party, then I dont hesitate to vote for them. Anyway, enough of politics for me, I'm here for training!
He has definitely been treated poorly.

On a side note...

In high school for legal studies, we had to do an in depth speech and report about a human rights issue we felt strongly about. I chose Tony Abbott as a dark ages politician and his push to allow medical records to be opened at parents discretion from the ages of 12-18. It made me sick and I got an A+ (lol!). To me, that just epitomizes his paternalistic and personal moral belief based rule he would exercise over the country. I would never vote in a way that allowed Liberal power while he is in charge of them.

Ok, rant over.
It appears your right Shrek, ruddy said this morning (our time) that he will fight for the leadership of the Labor Party....and Julia said the election will occur on monday. She looks pretty worried. I hope she keeps the job just so they loose in a landslide at the next election.
Got rid of workchoices and did a decent job through the GFC. But like I said, if there is a better alternative leader/party, then I dont hesitate to vote for them. Anyway, enough of politics for me, I'm here for training!

lol.. it was more the mining boom and china that saved australian in the gfc. people overcredit labor in that part
lol.. it was more the mining boom and china that saved australian in the gfc. people overcredit labor in that part

Before you go laughing. How about you just give credit where credit is due. If the labor party did not provide that stimulus Australia would have fallen into a recession and a lot more people would have lost thier jobs. Mining only accounts for around 5% of Australia's GDP so to say that it was more mining boom and China is laughable.
lol.. it was more the mining boom and china that saved australian in the gfc. people overcredit labor in that part

I watched as as I worked for one of the big miners, ship after ship after ship turn around, mainly from china then force us into two weeks of leave along with the multiple redundicies in the GFC. If wasen't the big miners that pulled us through.
Well we had a 15billion doller surplus, from the 15 years the librels were in to get us through the GFC...

either way, I swear this resigning/challanaging crap is just so nobody notices how shit they are both doing, keep the attention on them, not what they are doing/not doing