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AusBB Odd Lift Leaderboard

There is a link to the dead rep challenge and rules for all lifts in the second post.

It's odd lift, hamburgs will answer but im guessing its because your standard max squat, bench, dead get plenty of coverage in powerlifting. This is giving the other lifts some love. Lol.
Basically ^

Pretty sure there is a thread regarding "ausbb strength standards" or something like that, and possibly one relating to Wilks?

I just remember a massive argument about comp lifts vs gym lifts when I first joined here lol

Adding all your lifts into the OP Sticky, except the 75% bench rep challenge. Next time you can get your calculator out haha :p
LOL, no worries.

Why isnt it bodyweight though? Arent we men?

The girls have to bench bodyweight at my gym to get on the boards lol.

Ill have another go with 67.5kg next week lol.
today as part of my warmup sets
75% bw bench challenge

bw = 74.2kg clothed at gym
75% = 55.65kg

I did 34 reps at 55kg,

I will record it when I think i will beat freakos 40
I guess i can throw my hat in the Deadlift rep challenge.
I'm 85kg.

got 187.5kg x 1. two would have killed my life.
also, single arm overhead press. in between squat sets this morning i picked up a 27.5kg DB and pressed it out.
can do more, but havent yet, lol. do it next time i'm there.

you gotta be in it to win it :p

I am also considering making a combined Powerlifting and Weightlifting leader board where vid evidence will be necessary for all you high squatters
Squat - raw + wraps
Bench - raw, paused
Deadlift - raw, no hitching
Snatch - no press out allowed
Clean and Jerk - press out ok
Combined total

you gotta be in it to win it :p

I am also considering making a combined Powerlifting and Weightlifting leader board where vid evidence will be necessary for all you high squatters
Squat - raw + wraps
Bench - raw, paused
Deadlift - raw, no hitching
Snatch - no press out allowed
Clean and Jerk - press out ok
Combined total

You trying to force me to learn wraps?
Did some front squats for the first time in a while.


looking to push these up a fair bit more in the next few weeks.
Haha yeah. I have the CAPO deadlift comp in a week or so.

I think I can pull real heavy once every 6 weeks at best. I feel sleepy for days after each time.