Gee worst workout ever would have to be the very first one, mate from work and i did it for bout 3 months. Was pretty pyramid sets of bench, started with the bar, pushed out 40reps, then add 5kg. Took bench from 50kg to 70kg in a few short weeks. Sometimes after we had gone upto max, we would pyramid back down.
Would always finish with a stupid amount of curls. Got that awesome pump we were looking for. I now know how crap this all was. Sometimes side and front laterals were also done for sh!ts and giggles.
Wouldnt call it a routine as such, but throughout a day/night would do roughly 30-40 pull ups/chin ups with a random thrown in leg raises while doin them. These were spread out throughout the day with 5-6 at a time.
All this time i had know idea what a squat was until i came to my senses, and found out about lifting weights.