When you catch a half dozen people staring at your through a maze of a half dozen angled mirrors, all while you attempt a sub-maximal deadlift.
When you the PT tries to tell you that if you can't attempt a 1RM without chalk, that your grip must be poor. As if there is a 1:1 relationship between the two.
When the PT assumes that you don't train sufficiently for functional strength, after watching you deadlift or squat.
When you look around the gym on a reasonably full day, and aren't sure if anyone would be comfortable spotting you.
When you go to warm up with some dumbbells, and all of those in your warm up range are being used for working sets.
When you are performing lunges with the same weight that the guy beside you is squatting.
When you are surprised that the guy beside you is even squatting that much.
When you are surprised that the guy beside you is even squatting.
When you look at those thick ass bumper plates (like 80mm) and wonder if you're going to have room to fit on a bar clamp after setting up.