Again, hyjak, medical advice. Which you may think is good or bad advice, but I followed it and have not had an injury, so it can't be too terrible.
Anyway, those guys don't even do leg press
I'm not a weightlifting snob, if people want to use machines or something and never step in the squat rack, it doesn't bother me. But blokes should do more than chest and biceps, I think - better for the health and quality of life. And women should do some weights, too.
Ok so you cant do it because of doctors orders but everyone else is a self diagnosed cop out?
everyone else, but
many. If I ask, "did you talk to a doctor or physio?" and they say, "no," and I say, "and how long have you had this problem?" and they say, "years," then yes, they're a self-diagnosed cop-out. And it happens a lot.
Or they get medical advice, and follow some but not all. I've seen the same guy who says he can't squat because of his knee also say that his doctor told him not to bench press because of his shoulder, but he does anyway. So they're strangely selective in the medical advice they listen to.
There are a significant number who
have had medical advice, and recently, and I think they should follow it. But again, many don't.
NPR said:
In any event if your physio thinks bent rows are ok and deadlifts are not you need a new physio.
I haven't been injured so far, and have become stronger and with little or no pain in the afflicted areas. So my physio's advice has worked. What I want from my physio is that they help me prevent injury while I get stronger, fitter, and more flexible - however slowly. And we're getting that result.
NPR said:
Check out Andrew Lock, based in Hawthorn. He is a competing powerlifter and also a bodybuilding judge. He knows his stuff.
Thanks for the tip, I'm sure I'll need to check him out in time.
NPR said:
You need to change gyms. If you're the only guy squatting day in day out then it will get hard, I've been there.
At the moment it's fine, I have my goals to achieve and can do them at the current place, which is conveniently near my home. Once those goals are achieved, I'll be making other goals, and yes I agree I'll need a new place to achieve them. This my primary school, it'll do until I'm ready for secondary
Thanks for the tips on the gyms, again in time I'm sure I'll be heading there.
NPR said:
As you said. "Step out of the poo"
I'm not in the poo, the situation is not ideal but it's not poo. In the poo would be people saying, "you're not allowed to deadlift in this gym," or something like that. That doesn't happen. Nobody hinders me there, it's just that nobody helps me