Pistacio interesting that you are anti hormones but happy to jack peptides to change your skin tone. do you think guys that put a lot of time and effort into maintaining a natural tan get the shits with melatonan users?
I'm not necessarily anti-hormone, I just think it would be interesting to live in a world where they don't exist and see how different everyone is. It would be interesting to see JUST how prevalent and widespread their use is.
I was waiting for someone to raise the melanotan tho lol.
Basically, this is a totally different story. Getting to my current tan 'naturally' would be unhealthy and involve severe skin damage and possible risk of skin cancer.
Except for people who tan naturally really easily (ie in like a day), tanning is pretty much dangerous for everyone.
I could live without a tan of course, but seeing as it is available and as far as I can tell, safe to use, why not?
I fail to understand why I'd be more impressed by a big, lean physique if I knew it was clean. It should be the physique that counts, not the effort that went into it. A given physique has a certain level of capability regardless of how it was achieved, surely it is that capability that is impressive. The manner in which it was built is irrelevant to the performance.
A lot of your posts lately have suggested that you want points for effort. You bust your guts clean and you feel dudded because some punk does a few cycles and goes past you. Well it just so happens that I'm in charge of handing out points for effort and you win today's allocation, plus a few extra for stating your case so loudly. You now have 1,000,050 points for effort, go see if you can use them to buy a bus ticket.
My point is, if you stop keeping score against other people, you will be happier. Just keep score against yourself and all this angst about big/cut guys that somehow cheated you (even though they don't know you are alive) will just go away.
Lol. Different points of view I guess mate. You are correct in that I respect and value EFFORT over the end product. Especially with something where genetics is heavily involved. I mean i also admire people with ridiculous genetics, just for the pure spectacle of it, but it isn't as impressive. If I see two guys at the gym, one is 100kgs and ripped, but got there in 1 year of fairly crappy training, but multiple cycles and awesome genetics and then i see another guy at 90kgs ripped, but it took him 4 years of ridiculously hard work, i'd respect the smaller guy a lot more.
I'd still find the physique of the bigger guy impressive (assuming good proportions, aesthetics etc). But for me, it is all about the journey there, not just the end product. Someone born with an amazing physique has some impressive genetics no doubt, but it doesn't impress me that much that they were gifted with it since birth.
A very similar analogy is self made millionaires compared to people born into wealth. Who would you find more impressive? Say they both had exactly $100 million dollars, but one was born into a rich family the other a poor. The end product is the same, but one had to work much harder to get there, and to me, that is much more impressive.
It frustrates him, he thinks he is just spinning his wheels, It does give people false hope.
This is a good point also.