If we buy eggs from a supermarket we get what ever is cheapest or on special, but most of our eggs either come from the local school farm where the chickens roam around and live free and get fed food scraps from the local pub and shop, or from a neighbour who gives his excess eggs to us for free, I walked past the other day and he handed me about 20 eggs.
I prefer to get the neighbour or school ones as I can see the chickens seem to be living a happy life scratching in the dirt doing what chickens do and doing as they please, buying the school ones also helps raise money for the school which is an additional feel good.
Never noted that the chickens peck each other to death either, they just seem to forage around most of the day.
Just because caged chickens get food supplied and are in a climate controlled environment does not make them happy chickens, it just keeps them alive and makes then efficient egg producing machines, not happy chickens.
That would be like suggesting that a human would be happy to be spending his/her entire life in a room 2 meters by 2 meters with white walls and no windows, provided with three nutritious meals a day (or five if you prefer), living in a climate controlled and disease free environment, never to leave, never to see the sun, never to do what humans do. Of course that human should be happy we can keep him safe and alive in that environment for 90-100 years with almost no risk of death from accidents, disease, mishaps what ever, would be a great life.
Seriously the stuff Bazza comes up with blows my mind…..it's just arguing for the sake of arguing no matter how dumb it sounds when you actually think about it.
These chickens seem to be having a great life in their climate controlled disease free environment getting all the food they can eat, lucky buggers:
Feel sorry for these poor buggers exposed to the hot and cold weather, disease, predators, etc, poor things, someone should do something about it:
Have found this myself as well: