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Why doesn't anyone like supplements?

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New member
I have had some pretty idiotic people complaining on my posts to stop pushing supplements. Tell me why supplements shouldn't be used along a proper diet. PLEASE.
Because it sounds like you work for a supp company!!

Your giving people the impression that what supplements they take are going to significantly alter there results, and it's not true.
Yes.. Correct there markos..

As you will know having the "so called best upto date" TOOLS does nothing for a tradies ability to use them.

That is exactly the message that i was trying to imply. Not that the OP was some retarded 13yo tool at all.
Jimmy, can you give us a brief description of yourself?
What are your best lifts? Can you provide a current picture for us "amateur bodybuilders", just so we all know what we can achieve by following your advice?
Jimmy the people on this forum have found, that supplements are often wildly hyped and as a result theres alot of disillusionment with products like jack3d. What people are suggesting is that if your diet is in good shape, you shouldn't have a need for too many supplements.

And by that gareer is trying to say:

Jack3d dont do shit.
Supplements are an important part of the bodybuilding equation, bodybuilding being:

25% Diet
25% Training
25% Supplements
25% Bro science

The correlation between supplements and getting huge is direct - notice that only the biggest of the pros are sponsored by Muscletech? they have direct access to supplements that haven't even reached the market yet.
Fuck your an idiot oliver.. Its at least 35% supplements and 35% training routine. 30% diet and always 100% bro science!
always 100% bro science!

Guy i work with was trying to talk up Jack3d by saying its on the Supplements Black List and is hard to get. He was pretty much implying that its illegal.

He then asked if i wanted to try it and i replied that it was too hardcore for me.

If thats not bro science i dont know what is
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